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declare war on magpies

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magpies gota be one off my fave quarry i love it when you drop one then aload come and make a right noise then normaly you can get another three befor they work out they being slaughterd



aye! always get a nice warm glow when ive shot a few!

i got one the other day with a 17hmr and it blew the buger up ha ha

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Guest hyperion
magpies gota be one off my fave quarry i love it when you drop one then aload come and make a right noise then normaly you can get another three befor they work out they being slaughterd



aye! always get a nice warm glow when ive shot a few!

i got one the other day with a 17hmr and it blew the buger up ha ha



nice yet messy! lol

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magpies gota be one off my fave quarry i love it when you drop one then aload come and make a right noise then normaly you can get another three befor they work out they being slaughterd



aye! always get a nice warm glow when ive shot a few!

i got one the other day with a 17hmr and it blew the buger up ha ha



nice yet messy! lol

yes happens all the time lol the ferrets dont mind the you shud see what a 300 win mag does to a rabbit

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magpies never really cause a problem round my place. i have plenty of them but there not making a serious dent on the bird population. i still get the same amount of blue tits, great tits, coal tits, longtailed tits, finches and sparrows every year. i feed them rats i trap once and a while and ive seen them devour a whole wlarge rat in under 4 minutes.

so aaron would you shoot a magpie although you say they arent causing the bird population a problem. theyre my favourite along with crows .... if im out shooting and i see any legall quarry within a good distance i will have a pop at it... im sure everyone does the same dont they lol

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Guest Catcher
Hate magpies. sneekey feckers always pestering the small song birds. very hard to shoot. first light is the best time for them.


Hi mate i agree they do get sneekey when they seem to know after you have shot a few in the same spot.As soon as i shoot one now i move about fifty yard,s.I find the best way to shoot them is when they are coming in to roost. Find a tree with a lot of droping,s under it.Pick a good shooting place and you will hammer them.atb catcher.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As i said in an earlier post there are quite a few magpies on my permission, one of which weight about 15 grains heavier now after yesterday lol. Anyway, a lot of the magpies take off as soon as they spot the car or a person. so my mate thought we should ask the farmer if we could take a shotgun next week and he said yes, so hopefully next week we'll have a bigger bag.



Edited by hughesey1552
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