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declare war on magpies

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the blue tits are nest building in my garden and just now ive seen a hen sparrow taking food to a nest some where so im thinking its time to get out and bash some magpies!


its heaving with them round my way so ill be out this weekend setting up a dead bunny and trying to ambush a few of them!




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the blue tits are nest building in my garden and just now ive seen a hen sparrow taking food to a nest some where so im thinking its time to get out and bash some magpies!


its heaving with them round my way so ill be out this weekend setting up a dead bunny and trying to ambush a few of them!




Go get em.........Good luck,me thinks they are very hard to shoot. Post the pic of the rascals if you get any. Death to magpies... :gunsmilie:

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magpies never really cause a problem round my place. i have plenty of them but there not making a serious dent on the bird population. i still get the same amount of blue tits, great tits, coal tits, longtailed tits, finches and sparrows every year. i feed them rats i trap once and a while and ive seen them devour a whole wlarge rat in under 4 minutes.

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magpies never really cause a problem round my place. i have plenty of them but there not making a serious dent on the bird population. i still get the same amount of blue tits, great tits, coal tits, longtailed tits, finches and sparrows every year. i feed them rats i trap once and a while and ive seen them devour a whole wlarge rat in under 4 minutes.

Aye, but make a dent in the local population around where you are, & I guarantee you'll see a lot more songbirds this time next year. :yes:

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they are as J.D said "my favorite corpse"


they are tricky to shoot but i find them easier than rabbits personaly!


a good hide, good camo and sit and wait! :gunsmilie:


is any one up for making it into a compatition?? say the person who has the most by the last day of july wins?




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magpies gota be one off my fave quarry i love it when you drop one then aload come and make a right noise then normaly you can get another three befor they work out they being slaughterd



aye! always get a nice warm glow when ive shot a few!

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the blue tits are nest building in my garden and just now ive seen a hen sparrow taking food to a nest some where so im thinking its time to get out and bash some magpies!


its heaving with them round my way so ill be out this weekend setting up a dead bunny and trying to ambush a few of them!





good luck with that, there are a few crows a maggies round me that need sorting as well ;)

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