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Giving up smoking!!

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im sorry to throw a spanner in the works, im into my 6 month off beeing smoke free and it is just as hard now as the first week for me, ive not had a drink in 6 months allso cause i think i will weaken to the craving, and if thsts noe anouth its triggered off some lung problem with me, i struggle to walk the steps without getting out off breath, ive to go doctors every 3 week for checkups and the cost off the steroids inhalers and whtever else they throw at me on this trail and error basis bay far out weighs the cost off my baccy, six months ago i was as fit as a fiddle now im like an old man. im only 29.


good luck

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this is how you do it, but you need good self control. you have a packet of smokes next to your bed and just say if you NEED one have one, but if you only want it then you cant. mates dad did that and you wouldnt pick that he's a smoker.

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Cheers for the advice, day 1 going ok so far. Off for a walk now so will take my mind off it...although I'm fine at the mo, not even thinking about it.


Harddigging - if you're going through all that and are still off them then hats off to you! You're inspirational :clapping: keep at it, it will get better



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i gave up three years ago after smoking from the age of 9 :icon_redface: and except for the occasional fag when drunk haven't wanted any more. i was worried that if i drank it would start me smoking as i knew it would make me crave a fag so i decided if i drank and wanted a fag i would have one then pick up where i left off the next day, one sniff of my cloths or hair after a night out and there is no way I'm gonna smoke :sick: if you do fall down pick your self up and carry on don't think i have had one so i have failed. don't be to hard on your self it gets easier now i only smoke when totally out of it and i cant remember doing it so happy days :clapper:

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I stopped 18 months ago. Best thing I ever did!

Went on those Champix, absolutely fantastic. Woke up one day and just didn't want to smoke any more. And that was it. Don't get me wrong, I still get the odd craving, especially after a few drinks, but I refuse to let them win.

Good luck!


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