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dont some keepers have them round there pens to scare off foxes because there so loud!

a pen i know of has 3 round the area,


there supposed to be quite tasty aswell aren't they ?


Edited by Shooter08
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can anyone tell me the difference between cocks and hens in these strange birds please, got some today and im not sure if theyre all cocks, all hens or atrio.

noisy b*****ds arent they?!



Noisey ????


I had 6, -shot everyone of them then ate them the following week for xmas.


Every morning at half 5....


CAaawww CaawwWW Caaww CaWWW :icon_eek:

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Every morning at half 5....


CAaawww CaawwWW Caaww CaWWW :icon_eek:


Sounds as if you were keeping Crows there


Are you sure they were Guinea fowl? As every one I have kept just say Comeback, comeback comeback in that high pitched tone.


And by the way they are really extra tasty in the eating department.



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the only time ours made any noise - to an annoyingly constant extent i mean - was if we had only two. when we had four they were quieter..... but two died, and obviously we have two again and they make a racket all the damned time!

i dont know if they do any good with keeping predators away or not. we've had guineas for the three years we've lived here and never had a problem with foxes, possums, snakes, hawks etc..... but we ALSO have had bulldogs for three + years.... so i dunno.... :nea: i dont plan to get rid of my bullies just to see if the guineas are the ones doing all the work!

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Guinneas wont keep vermin away, but they will let you know when its about thats for sure...


You tell them apart not by the horn on the head, but the wattle type dangly bits on the chin... now this isnt the correct terminology but the way ive remembered it is that the males have balls, and the females have flaps :icon_redface:


Its easy to tell them apart once you know this... hope this helps ;)

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they certainly are noisey, been checking them out, the horny bits are bigger and the wattles do look like a pair of nuts, so that must be right, and they are the best of fowl to eat i think, meat is moist im reckon i will have one to eat, better than pheasant, they are good guard dogs got them in the pheasant pen.i had them in the garden for a couple of hours, they were that noisey even the terriers stayed away.

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Guest smelly nelly

How old are they?? From around eight weeks old you should be able to tell the differance by there call, the male utters a single shriek while the female has a two syllable call similar to 'come back, come back'.

If suddenly alarmed, the female will also utter a single note shriek, but the male never uses a two-note call

Also the males will have a larger 'helmet' and wattles then the females and the females will have a 'finer' head.

Hope this helps



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