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went for a walk with the dog this afternoon and took the air-rifle hoping to bag a few corvids and to my sadness i saw 3 rabbits badly affected by mixy . i did the decent thing and dispatched each of them which was not hard because they were blind, deaf and already half dead :( i am gutted as last year i didnt see any on my permission. has anyone else seen signs recently?

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i have seen mixy three times so far in the last 18 months, once last year on my mates permission and twice this year on my permissions so not looking good. all you can do is eaze there suffering




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Seen it on several sites this year, its always there, I have seen mixxy every year for as long as I can remember, if it's clear make the most of it..it will be back! :(

I've seen it once on one rabbit in 3 years around here. They say the population builds up a resistance to it, but it only takes one mutated strain to devastate a population. :yes:

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I'm Leics way, its bloody rife.

Discussed this a cpl of weeks ago. Have found a large warren near by that is unaffected though (so far!).

Keeping schtum about it incase anyone clears it with their ferts.





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