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New birds ordered

Guest falconeru.k01

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Guest falconeru.k01
  midnight said:
perlin ordered male.

merlin to imprint for the same guy that bred the perlin and im looking for a per./barb male also.


Nice to hear something different from harris hawks, hope you keep us posted on the training be nice to hear how they come on.

I have a peri x saker male just put in hack pen like you guys counting down the days :good:

However got hands full at moment with baby owls reared 4 up to date & another 12 eggs incubating keeping us busy. Good Luck with the training

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  falconeru.k01 said:
Just out of intrest who has a new bird ordered for 2006? what species etc.




Well I have four out at the moment some not far off going back with their Parents, 2 x pure Finnish and 2 x Finn x German, these will be ready in 10 weeks for customers to take then! there's a shelf life on P/R goshawks upto around 13 weeks Maximum after this they start to smash themsleves up in the aviary unless you're lucky, this year I'll take out the smallest Finn x German female out of the aviary for myself for Pheasant bashing, probably off the Passage male Father and the Bob Haddon finn female, both these birds proved themsleves time and time again in the field, the Guy who flew the Mother was only talking about her the other day on one of the lists and how on one accasion she Bound to a Roe deer in woodland, thankfully she had the sense to let go ;).


If you're still interested in a Finn male Mick give us a shout for P/R'ing, there's a guy on this site who wants to take a few to Imprint but I need to know what to put back with their parents :good:.

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Guest falconeru.k01

Are you stressed Tony :D Its that time of year mate to hit the whisky bottle. Bloody house has been over taken by owls. :icon_redface:


Tony sell what you can first , I want one but wouldnt get to collect til end of august??

Hey mate just done tv interview i will sign you a autograph :D:D

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  falconeru.k01 said:
Are you stressed Tony :D Its that time of year mate to hit the whisky bottle. Bloody house has been over taken by owls. :icon_redface:


No old mate not stressed! you told me on a few occasions you wanted a finn male so I'm asking you if this is still the case?

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Guest falconeru.k01
  jasper65 said:
  falconeru.k01 said:

Are you stressed Tony :D Its that time of year mate to hit the whisky bottle. Bloody house has been over taken by owls. :icon_redface:


No old mate not stressed! you told me on a few occasions you wanted a finn male so I'm asking you if this is still the case?



yes mate will august be ok (ie room)

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  falconeru.k01 said:
yes mate will august be ok (ie room)


Hopefully it should'nt be a problem Mick! but I have some people who want Finnish Imprints in the next few weeks, if I have enough available I will be P/R some, but I must never count my chickens before they hatch so to speak but I'll keep you Informed :yes:.

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Not sure if i will get anything new this year hatched out redtails, harris hawks,feru's on the way but the merlins no good all eggs infertile will have to change the jack this year, so im looking for 2 jack (blue) merlins



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Guest falconeru.k01
  Hybred said:
Not sure if i will get anything new this year hatched out redtails, harris hawks,feru's on the way but the merlins no good all eggs infertile will have to change the jack this year, so im looking for 2 jack (blue) merlins




Shame about merlins my friend only got two hached out of 5 always seem a problem.

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