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Guest smelly nelly

Very Handsom!

Looks like he got a few more tail feathers than a shamo. What kind of height will he make?

Im tempted to get a trio of something similar, are you running him with same/pure breed hens?

I have a Indian game running with my hybrids, to breed with for the table.



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Guest smelly nelly

He should grown to about 32" and he is with a pure Taiwan hen. Nice birds to have and I have won trophies with him already!




Well done with the trophys!!

I have allway been tempted with birds like that, but space and time a bit limited, maybe something for the future.

There only really a folly bird, you cant justify keeping them on practical reasons, unless like you have and win medals then try to sell the young.

What size run do you keep them in?

My Indian game is a pure breed, got papers for him and everything. The lady mostly kept them but he was no good for showing as legs are too long. With show standard indian game they go for the very short legs only problem with that they are often not capable of mounting the hens, so no good for breeding. catch 22.

She also had a few modern english game bantams, they are very interesting looking birds.

I like the strange and unusual when it comes to chickens, same problem usually with most of them though, they dont usually have a practical use.

Keep up the good work, or your chickens.


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