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in sted of letting it out go in catch it then let it go this should make it think twice befor entering again the thing is its not stupid and you let it out so it just keeps comeing back so being spooked you should give him a worriy so it will not want to come back this needs doing as they are paired up naw and it should be feeding young soon so it wants sorting so its not traped in while it should be hunting for food to feed young

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I always caught more kestrels when I used young rabbits as bait.... but ive caught both crows and kestrels together, so they certainly wont put a crow off going in thats for sure, just a pain in the arse more than anything....


Only thing I can think of that will possibly put them off is to use bigger bait!!

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Yes use bigger bait that puts the "hawk family" off However some still try to take advantage but ... when caught before release hold the bird and colse the beak with finger/thumb and hold for about 30secs all the hawk family dont like this treatment..and he will think twice from comming again. :clapper:

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cheers lads the bird was released by hand yestreday, had 2 grey's thismorning and decided to leave them alone till it got dark as there was 3/4 more around waiting to get in, just went back to count the numbers :icon_eek: and had a total of 0 :censored: , and no, the kesteral didnt eat them, the ladder is about 10-11 inches wide and the run's are 8 inches apart, are the measurements to wide apart??????

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Yes too wide!! But you could fix it by attatching a long flap of chicken mesh along each side of the entrance, make the flap about 8 inches wide. then using some soft wire, like garden wire etc, you need to make the lowest part of the strips of wire to be about 6 inch apart from each other.

Ive had magpies get out sometimes, and this can be stopped by putting a bit of mesh blocking 6-8 inches either end of the entrance.

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