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Ferret vs Mink

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  Corky(amateur) said:
HI all

thought you'd appreciate hearing about this. was out the other day doing a bit of pest control ferreting in a 6 foot wide headge and the shotgun, took the hob because he's great for coming back [bANNED TEXT] you call him and bushing like a terrier too! anyway, he went down bolted a rabbit and shotgun took it. goes down another in same warren, and he's down there for 5 min or so, so out comes MK3 get within 4 foot and can hear this squelin and hissin. next thing my ferret is dragging something out the hole(presumed rabbit as he does this often) anyway just about to reach in when he lets go and goes bak hissing, grabbed him, went to look down the hole and the fekin great Mink is snarlin back at me. i've got the ferret in one hand and the shotgun in the other. So my only option was the terminater pose with 30 inch semi auto 12G. "you feelin lucky......Mink?!"

all i'll say is it was twitchin even after the shot! termamink!

dragged it out and this thing weighed 3 x what my big hob does, it was muscly as feck and well fed

you can see the size with my hand next to it

this is defo a mink it must of bin a polecat you killed you fool


Edited by dpb82uk
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Guest tewkesferreter

so what,the bloke shot a feral ferret. should he of just left it to go about its business killing the odd rabbit till it came across more easy pickings like chickens,pheasants,partridge or whatever.

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Depends whether it was a feral ferret or a polecat.


Impossible to tell. Even more impossible if you don't even see what it is you're shooting :laugh:


It's not so much about what was shot, as about responsible shooting, isn't it?

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Guest tewkesferreter
  droid said:
Depends whether it was a feral ferret or a polecat.


Impossible to tell. Even more impossible if you don't even see what it is you're shooting :laugh:


It's not so much about what was shot, as about responsible shooting, isn't it?


i know what your saying,if you dont know what it is you shouldnt shoot(maybe not even own a fac).

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guys, i have said that this ferret whether ferral or past pet was in no mood to chat!?!?!? No it wasn't any danger to me or my ferret(but neither are foxes, we still shoot those) once he had been removed. but this is pest control. if the rabbits are causeing the guy problems digging around the chicken pens, what the hell is a wild(and i'm telling you now it was) ferret going to do to them?!?!

i appreciate the identification factor but what else would it be. its not like the glowing eyes in the dark case?! Its front half was out of the whole as said in original post, and the point is ferret/ferral/mink(i kno its not) the landowner appreciated me removing it. you can't say it was inhumane though can you?! but droid, i think your jumping the gun mate. i could see the thing and therefor knew it wasnt somebodies cat or something like that and i said, i knew it wasnt friendly and i have no room in my team for a wild biting ferret. thanks to all those that did read before posting and i do believe and appreciate "constructive" critisism.

all the best


(please read my signature about the amateur bit and if anyone knows how to change it it would save me ALOT of abuse! lol)

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  RaiderBoy said:
Thats got me thinking about ferreting in my area now fecking thousands of mink around. would a mink kill a big hob ferret or would the mink or the ferret just run away ?


mink run from ferrets


i,m interested to know how anyone can identify it as either feral ferret or wild polecat , most animals have a range of colours , i have yet to see an "almost black" polecat , wild or domestic , i would say by looking at the size , muscle build and conformation is the best way to identify whether its feral or wild, seems everyones an expert on polecats exept me

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a good friend used to be a gun dealer in northern ireland a number of years ago, he told me a story about two mates coming into the store one friday evening after being out hunting. The shop was popular with Police men who would come in a stock up with cartridges etc. The shop was packed this evening and the two mates were having a heated discussion about the type of goose they had shot that afternoon. My friend asked them if they had it with them to which they added " its in the motor", so they fetched it in to settle the score, when they pulled the bird out of the bag ( in front of a few police men) it turned out to be a swan.


Mistakes do happen :D



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lol @ spiderpig :clapper:


wild polecat or ferral ferret i dont know but either way its dead and it didnt know much about it. the lad is ferreting ie removing rabbits from the area sooooo whats mr unidentified going to eat then? chicken, duck, little girls pet rabbit etc etc he's obviously going to be back there again with his ferret. imagine if he saw it left it then it killed his ferret, he'd post on here ' ferret killed' and get shit for knowingly putting his ferret there with a wild polecat/ferral ferret. Sometimes you just cant win........


bunny chaser/hugger/lurrrrva you sound like an anti blabbing on about how we dont have the right to decide what lives and what dies and 'oh my god you shot somethings head off' that is the general idea my lovely, a nice clean kill, no pain no suffering etc etc

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  Corky(amateur) said:
i could see the thing and therefor knew it wasnt somebodies cat or something like that


That wasn't exactly made clear in your original post, Corky :laugh:



This all reminds me of Jasper Carrott: 'Only one way to deal with an unidentified predator......blow it's bloody head off!' :D

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Thats a big feral ferret there......Hobs will fight at this time of year (hormones) and i reckon if you and the 12gauge hadn't been there, your ferret may have come off worse


I am passionate about ferrets but i would shoot a feral ferret in the same circumstances, my brother has had to when he found one in his chickens run, if it wont let you pick it up its gone wild and will cause a lot of problems, and with you having permission you would get the blame for letting a ferret loose!!

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