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maybe i need to improve my fieldcraft, knowledge

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OK as you fellas know, i recently got myself air rifle, permission and Insurance and have been going out regular after spending a few weeks grouping and hitting targets in the field.


However i am having very little luck getting close to rabbits, i have loads in the fields around where i shoot, but my fieldcraft i think is not great.


Anyone up for having me tag along on a few shoots to give me some more hints and skills.


I am prepared to travel a little.

or any other advice would be good.




frustrated 28yr old.

Stoke on trent


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can be dissapointing at first but you will get there mate.


basic rules: dont wear any de-odourant or afer shave ( you'd be suprised), always keep downwind of the rabbits and move very , very slowly preffrebly in cover ( close to the hedge line) or in shadow.


keep at it mate you will get there.


any help just ask or feel free to pm me.


good luck



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OK as you fellas know, i recently got myself air rifle, permission and Insurance and have been going out regular after spending a few weeks grouping and hitting targets in the field.


However i am having very little luck getting close to rabbits, i have loads in the fields around where i shoot, but my fieldcraft i think is not great.


Anyone up for having me tag along on a few shoots to give me some more hints and skills.


I am prepared to travel a little.

or any other advice would be good.




frustrated 28yr old.

Stoke on trent


Just go fo a walk be as quiet as as you can look for rabbit latrines and dropping mounds and warrens and watch get to know the habbits, on a cold morning they will sunbathe on a sunnybank.... listen to birds they all have alarm calls if one goes the rabbits will.20mins later they'll be back so wait . good luck Ian :D

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i ahve been walking my permissions for about 2 weeks have seen and found where some rabbits hang live, but never when i have had my air rifle, i just cant get myself close enough before they scatter, will have to practise my stalking. i do try and ensure im down wind and i have real tree clothing and hat gloves etc.

persistance required by the sounds of things


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Take your time to get up close to them, there's no rush!


Stick to Hedgelines and make sure your Downwind of them..


As has already been said no Deodorant and make sure your quiet.


If they see you just stand completely still as sometimes, like Deer they're just looking around to see If anything's close and you may be lucky for them to carry on.


Butch :yes:

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Guest air gunner

i would advice sitting out about 30 yrds from their warrens. get comfy and wait. within 15 mins of sitting down wind you are sure to have soem rabbits peaking out and eventually in the open. if you see one dont rush let it come about 15ft from its hole then shoot.

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as preiviously stated if you cant stalk them just sit down or lie down in a comfy postion about 25 yards away from burrow....oh yeah and be completly still for 15 minutes. once they come out wiat till there about 4 yards from there burrow and shoot. this way if you dont get a completly clean kill and they go a couple of yards before they go down then they wont escape back into there burrows to die.

Edited by aaronpigeonplucker
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Guest air gunner

i would say wait for them to be more than 4 yrds because they could probably jump down their hole from that distance. also the further out they are the closere they are. The main thing is shoot within your comfort zome and take your time! do not rush your shot! this way you will injure the bunny. wait for the rabbit to be comfortable in one place that is within your zero.

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dont go too often , or else you just educate them and make it harder for yourself. about 4 days in between is ok. vary your times, go evening then go early morning to catch them out. they soon get to know if you go same time every time and will be on their guard.

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