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ferreting with out locators and nets

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i suppose any one could really mate. the locator debate will go on forever some will some wont. also some people ferret without nets to bolt to dogs to give them sport anyway mate.

cheers tony

Edited by tony d
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When I was first taken ferreting there were no locators, so I would bag about the same as I do now, what would you do if the cold sapped your batteries, the same as I did back then, wait until the ferrets came out.

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A friend of mine gave me a good idea for a topic. OK who is able to ferret like the topic says,without locators and nets. What is your success rate.

been ferreting years never ever used a locator i got one of a mate 3 years ago still in the box lol and i want be using one . never had to wait more than 30 min for my ferrets to come out. my dad did ferreting for 30 years had over 40 ferrets and he never used one to

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A friend of mine gave me a good idea for a topic. OK who is able to ferret like the topic says,without locators and nets. What is your success rate.

been ferreting years never ever used a locator i got one of a mate 3 years ago still in the box lol and i want be using one . never had to wait more than 30 min for my ferrets to come out. my dad did ferreting for 30 years had over 40 ferrets and he never used one to


My hob ferret will ALWAYS come out after a kill, but i dug to him 13 times today with a locator, that made for an extra 13 rabbits in the bag, that was 1 day, god knows how many rabbits your dad lost in 30 yrs.

You'll always have the old school saying "i never used locators", well my grandad remembers when they never used cars,(well hardly anyone) it don't mean it's for the best.

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have never used one i always give mine a good feed before i go and have never had to wait more than 30-40 mins for a ferret to come out if it kills and this doesnt happen much

but i have never ferreted really deep stuff so maybe of use in that sort of situation?

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Last week I had a jill kill in a stopend, she was on the blocked side so could'nt get passed the large buck she killed, this showed up with the locator, would have sat there a long time waiting for her to come out or lost her alltogether maybe, just because some folk dont use a locator does'nt mean they are any better than those that do, if it came down to who bagged the most, those that dont use locators will leave a lot of dead underground in a season, you either put your hand in your pocket or not, if they were a fiver everyone would have one.

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I always start my kits off without locators, but i do it on small open warrens with longnets round, that are shallow, they wander round with the older ferrets.


but its far better to have the locator, i always remember my ferreting parntner telling me about the first time him and his mates used one 20 odd year ago. first warren they did produced a dig , about 1 foot down.

they pulled 5 rabbits out , on that very first dig. needles to say they never went with out one :thumbs:

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my ferrets are always well fed, never hungry and i can say iv never had a lie up with this batch of ferrets i have now hobs and jills but i still use locators, iv had 2 situations this season where 1 of the jills had a rabbit blocked arse end to her and she couldnt get in to kill it so she wouldnt leave it, another time i was glad i had a locator on this season i was out ferreting with a mate and told him the ferrets dont lie up, my big sandy hob didnt come out i thought either somethings wrong or hes lay up but couldnt believe hed lay up when i dug down (4 feet) i seen the rabbit and had to have a good pull to get the rabbit out it was blocked that tight in the hole the big hob couldnt get out past it so im glad i use locators anyone who doesnt must loss a mass amount of rabbits in their season. i aint saying iv never done it i only got a ferret locator about 3 years ago before that i only had terrier locators so iv done it and even now i have more ferrets than locators so the best jills and the 2 big hobs get collars if i need to take most the ferrets out.

Edited by grant_c
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