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The cost of a ferret

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i had my ferret from an rspca shelter in newport and when i was there, there was about 30 ferrets looking for homes.they had all been dumped or abandoned do you think people should charge more than £30 for ferret ? because they are seen as expendable by some people and are just left in buries when they dont come out for an hour

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i had my ferret from an rspca shelter in newport and when i was there, there was about 30 ferrets looking for homes.they had all been dumped or abandoned do you think people should charge more than £30 for ferret ? because they are seen as expendable by some people and are just left in buries when they dont come out for an hour


I dont think you can put a price on a ferrets head , you either look after them & value them or you dont , i think with most small animals there fairly easy to dispose of when the noveltys worn off

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Well my last two have came to me free one from a neighbor and one from a lad on this site two little belters don't think it matters how much they cost you either look after them or you dont.


3 out of 4 of mine have come from the local ferret rescue place. My oldest at 4 is a brilliant rabbiter and shows at every hole till the bury is cleared. The other two are last years and have done really well this season for tyros. All 3 are castrated/neutered and the ferret rescue wants a £10 minimum donation.

Less than the price of a Jill jab for one year. All ferrets will work given the right circumstances.

Cheers, D.

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I paid a £5 for some of mine but what price do you put on a good working ferret? ,but i would like to see them worth more it might keep the idiots and arseholes out our sport

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If ferrets were more expencive they would attract more scumbags to rob your cages every night, and when they have had their fun they would still dump them on some warren somewer, its not the price of ferrets that are the problem, its some of the w***ers that own them.

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i had my ferret from an rspca shelter in newport and when i was there, there was about 30 ferrets looking for homes.they had all been dumped or abandoned do you think people should charge more than £30 for ferret ? because they are seen as expendable by some people and are just left in buries when they dont come out for an hour

No I don't think so, the person I got my ferret from breeds them and on'y charges £10 for them but the ferrets he can't get rid of he drops the price to £5

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I paid a £5 for some of mine but what price do you put on a good working ferret? ,but i would like to see them worth more it might keep the idiots and arseholes out our sport


theres not enough money about to buy the hob ive got at present.apart from it being an absolute treasure to work and own,hes made a really good stud.ive got my mates jill in with him now,she is also a good grafter.wether these kits get selt on(which i dont think they will).they wont be cheap.you pay good money for a good animal imo and i wont just sell them to any tom ,dick or harry.i like them to go to a good working home and preferably to people i know will look after them they way they deserve to be :thumbs:

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I paid a £5 for some of mine but what price do you put on a good working ferret? ,but i would like to see them worth more it might keep the idiots and arseholes out our sport


theres not enough money about to buy the hob ive got at present.apart from it being an absolute treasure to work and own,hes made a really good stud.ive got my mates jill in with him now,she is also a good grafter.wether these kits get selt on(which i dont think they will).they wont be cheap.you pay good money for a good animal imo and i wont just sell them to any tom ,dick or harry.i like them to go to a good working home and preferably to people i know will look after them they way they deserve to be :thumbs:



Had a number of people come up to us at the West Country Show today asking how much we wanted for our ferrets...


You dont have enough money in your wallet buddy was the answer lol..


good working ferrets are priceless... and i certainly wouldn't hand them over to a stranger at a country show!!

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If ferrets were more expencive they would attract more scumbags to rob your cages every night, and when they have had their fun they would still dump them on some warren somewer, its not the price of ferrets that are the problem, its some of the w***ers that own them.

well said A FERRETS FOR LIFE not just one season :notworthy::notworthy:

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