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hey just wundering is there any way i can stop my 4 mnth pup from fbiting my terrier?? im blue n the face from correcting him jus wundering will he grow out of it or is it just a case of keep correcting him..... also could anyone offer tips on hand signal training??

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All puppies do it to older dogs, i always leave puppies to it and let the older dogs do the corrections. They'll let the pup know when they've had enough, in my mind it also allows a natural pecking order between the dogs to develop, which will hopefully result in happier adult dogs and less hassle for you! ;)

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IMO not a good idea to let a young pup maul a terrier: I've known a terrier kill a 16 week old lurcher pup because it had had enough (not mine I have to say)


Fine to let them play as long as the terrier (you didn't say how old it was and how it reacts to the pup< and is the pup a lurcher or terrier?) isn't giving out real warning signs that it has had enough. Some adult dogs are so patient they put up with more than they should.


Is the terrier showing signs of having had enough?

Has it snapped the pup off and made it squeal?

Is the pup still ignoring the warning?


Answer yourself those questions but even if all is well it would still be best to separate them when your'e not around and when its gone on too long. Even the most patient of adult dogs can snap in the end.

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IMO not a good idea to let a young pup maul a terrier: I've known a terrier kill a 16 week old lurcher pup because it had had enough (not mine I have to say)


Fine to let them play as long as the terrier (you didn't say how old it was and how it reacts to the pup< and is the pup a lurcher or terrier?) isn't giving out real warning signs that it has had enough. Some adult dogs are so patient they put up with more than they should.


Is the terrier showing signs of having had enough?

Has it snapped the pup off and made it squeal?

Is the pup still ignoring the warning?


Answer yourself those questions but even if all is well it would still be best to separate them when your'e not around and when its gone on too long. Even the most patient of adult dogs can snap in the end.



Fair point. What i should of added in my reply was that all my dogs are well rounded/socialised and stable within their "pack", therefore they educate puppies fairly and effectively with little involvement from me. New puppies are always left to eat/sleep and play with the adult dogs from day 1, they get the odd bite if they push it too far but nothing that has ever given me cause to get involved. You need to assess your own dogs and respond accordingly. :good:

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You need to assess your own dogs and respond accordingly. :good:



Exactly. There's no single method for training a dog to do anything. Every dog is different, what works wonders for one individual, might have a different affect on another.

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