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wk 99 for sale or swop doncaster

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i av a wk99 scopes an gunban.very accurate an powerfull for a spring gun.jst had new ox spring fitted.open to offers?i want the bsa ultra now thats why i am getin rid.can not post it ethier.sorry about spellin. :o keeping it now sorry


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i av a wk99 scopes an gunban.very accurate an powerfull for a spring gun.jst had new ox spring fitted.open to offers?i want the bsa ultra now thats why i am getin rid.can not post it ethier.sorry about spellin. :o
this gun is rated 9.5 out of 10 on power an accuracey on most websites.perfect for a first gun.its perfect for rabbitin an squirules.thats all i use it for an its ace.you can head shot a rat from about 20m plus.gotta be some use to someone?
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underrated guns but you will sell it faster if you replace the ox spring, there wank and could damage the gun



i 2nd that i had one in my hw97k i took it out the next day

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