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Stolen dogs after burglary

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ment=73392:stolen_dogs.rtf]on the 17th feb 2009 i had six dogs stolen during an aggravated burglary, during this robbery one puppy was killed and in the

process i was ran over, i am pleadind to everyone to forward this email to all there contacts in the hope that i may be reunited with my dogs.

stolen english spaniel female liver and white 3 yrs old [mostly white with liver on head and base of tail small liver patch on back]

stolen english spaniel male liver and white 18mths old [large liver patchs all over]

stolen jack russell male nearly all white with small black patchs near head.

stolen lakeland terrier female 2 and 1/2 years old black and tan, [black saddle tan head and under body] please forward this email to all your friends, if seen contact dc neil radcliffe gravesend police kent 07772221216

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FFS- whens it going to stop. I will do what I can to get the Doglost team to help you.

Please register them on www.doglost.co.uk asap - I cant lift the pics from here but you will be able to put them on yourself.


Will notify the forum members now & cross post to every springer/working dog site you can. I know most of the people on here will help you by telling others. There's a lot of game fairs coming up- get your mates to put posters on their vans


Good luck mate & sorry you lost a dog as well.

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