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Ferrets Shi*te...Seriously

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Ok, this came up as a suggestion in another forum. "Spread ferret shi*e around and underneath your shed and it'll keep rats away"

Is this true? I ask because, I hate rats with a passion most of you can only dream of. However the idea of poisoning them fills me with glee for the pain that they would suffer it fills me with horror with the idea of the poison getting into the food chain......dogs, birds of prey etc.... Please does anyone know if ferret shi*e works? If it does I've got five ferrets producing more of the foul smelling stuff than the entire poulation of france!.........And thats going some!

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Ok, this came up as a suggestion in another forum. "Spread ferret shi*e around and underneath your shed and it'll keep rats away"

Is this true? I ask because, I hate rats with a passion most of you can only dream of. However the idea of poisoning them fills me with glee for the pain that they would suffer it fills me with horror with the idea of the poison getting into the food chain......dogs, birds of prey etc.... Please does anyone know if ferret shi*e works? If it does I've got five ferrets producing more of the foul smelling stuff than the entire poulation of france!.........And thats going some!


try it?


or get a live trap and pop em with a pistol great!! lol

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Guest tewkesferreter

dont know about the shit but id of thought the smell of the ferrets would put them off but have been proved wrong,i get rats,rabbits,fox,squirrels and pheasants in my garden,the rabbits have been coming as close as a foot away from the dogs run,only realised when it was snowing.

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These things work short term, but never for long.

Same as pissing around chicken coops to keep foxes away

or buying lion shit from zoos to keep deer out your garden.


all work for a short while, but the target animal soon gets wise if theres food avalible.

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dont know about the shit but id of thought the smell of the ferrets would put them off but have been proved wrong,i get rats,rabbits,fox,squirrels and pheasants in my garden,the rabbits have been coming as close as a foot away from the dogs run,only realised when it was snowing.

My ferrets go mental in the vicinity of a rat....Yes five ferrets will kill a rat....I just want a deterrant for getting the f*****s near my house in the first place!






ninging his thanks

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Worked for me mate. ;)


:hmm: Funny, I seem to remember typing this earlier on another thread! :laugh: Deja vous! :D

Ahhh Yes!


credit where credit is due

I just wasn't sure whether as a welshman you were getting one over on me!



It got me thinking tho@ so thanks!





ninging in your general direction

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. However the idea of poisoning them fills me with glee for the pain that they would be in


that may have been true with first generation poisons, but we are now on second generation, made to be slow acting and not painful, in other words, they dont know they are being poisoned before its too late,

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. However the idea of poisoning them fills me with glee for the pain that they would be in


that may have been true with first generation poisons, but we are now on second generation, made to be slow acting and not painful, in other words, they dont know they are being poisoned before its too late,


does it still get into the food chain tho'?

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. However the idea of poisoning them fills me with glee for the pain that they would be in


that may have been true with first generation poisons, but we are now on second generation, made to be slow acting and not painful, in other words, they dont know they are being poisoned before its too late,

how does that effect the food chain?





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yes, you can still get secondary poisoning, cant remember the percentage of hand, but was told by someone, that a dog would need to eat a good 10 plus poisoned rats in one go, for it to have any ill affect on it

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Ok, this came up as a suggestion in another forum. "Spread ferret shi*e around and underneath your shed and it'll keep rats away"

Is this true? I ask because, I hate rats with a passion most of you can only dream of. However the idea of poisoning them fills me with glee for the pain that they would suffer it fills me with horror with the idea of the poison getting into the food chain......dogs, birds of prey etc.... Please does anyone know if ferret shi*e works? If it does I've got five ferrets producing more of the foul smelling stuff than the entire poulation of france!.........And thats going some!


no mate tryed it i had rats under my ferret run lol my jill sorted that out but ;) live traps with penut buter work might take a bit of time for them to get used to it before they go near it .

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