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Me and some mates were talking yestereday, and kenneling came up. They reckon a dogs a better worker if it lives in the kennel, they reckon it gains more independence and will be "harder" true or false? i reckon its bullshi*t, the dog will work if can work regardless of where it stayin. what are the advantages working wise to a kennels? :icon_redface:

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I can see the point thats being made as a dog thats been reared on the sofa whilst mum strokes its head is gona be a bit of a wimp towards things its unsure of and will lack the independance that a dog that spends a reasonable amount of time on its own. i have found that a dog thats pampered will cause problems somewhere along the line. i found out the hard way!! I just think you have got too strike a balance between the two. in an ideal world my opinion is that a dog should be kennelled outside and i am sure most will agree


regards sean :good:

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the advantage of keeping them in the house though is you can spend more time with them and they tend to be a little more obedient and easier to train


ive been told the opposite :icon_eek: that a kennelled dog is easier to train because it values the time it spends with you. problem is, both arguments make sense to me :o so i guess like most things, whatever suits you best is the right way to go. theres good dogs kept in the house and good dogs kennelled.

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Whether a dogs kept inside or out shouldn't alter how it works should it ?


If it didn't work it wouldn't be kept,if it does work it will at some time stink of fox,be lathered in mud and no doubt want to be left on its own to rest.


Best kept in a kennel i reckon,have their own space,do as they like in there,always seem keener to go out as well.

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dog out in the yard should be far fitter than some dog on the sette,and will be used to the weather as well ,all my dogs are out back apart for one and i can see the differance in fitness in the dogs ,becouse the dogs out back are on there feet all day and not on there backs ,dogs are`nt ment to be inside , think about it a dog that lives out side will be uesd to the cold ,wind ect some house dog will look out the front door see the weather then try and get back in again,iv seen it many a time with the dog i keep in side ,dogs out back sleep in the snow ,they are hardened too the weather ,there choice not mine they have good clean dry kennals and runs to sleep in ..it makes them soft liveing in doors ,dogs gets a good winter coat in winter becouse they need it liveing out side ,a house dog dont get one like the dog out back, a dog out back will mult twice a year house dog mults all year ..so for a working dog stick it out back if its a pet keep it in the house ..or buy it a hat & coat for when you want to take it out in the cold and rain :laugh:

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