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Wood Pigeon

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chest i would say was a no go all together 9 times out of 10 the bird will fly away and become fox food whitch isnt good thing if you are hungry or the ferrets are hungry.


neak,head or if the shot is taken from behind right at the top of the back/lower neak. that always works for me.


pigeons seem to be like asama binlarden no one can get near them and it takes perserverience (sorry for the spelling lol)


happy hunting


all the best liam

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found the nearest sitty tree i get all sorts in there crows, magpies, jays amd i even saw a pheasent on the lower branches in the night


Unfortunaly it is in next doors garden and the woodies like to sit in it at about 8 in the morning just before i took the picture i missed a magpie :angry:

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  adam1 said:
The trouble with chest shots is they are often inefficiant because the contents of the crop act like a bullet proof vest so for me its head or neck shots or no shot at all.


I always try to place my chest shots from aside, or in the back, above the wing base. most of the time they drop without a flap :)

Shooting a fac airgun in .177 (18ftlbs) also helps ;)

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  targa said:
  adam1 said:
The trouble with chest shots is they are often inefficiant because the contents of the crop act like a bullet proof vest so for me its head or neck shots or no shot at all.


I always try to place my chest shots from aside, or in the back, above the wing base. most of the time they drop without a flap :)

Shooting a fac airgun in .177 (18ftlbs) also helps ;)


Granted Targa with the right tools for the job you can push the boundrys, but i'm assuming most of the replys are reffering to 12 ft lbs and below, shots from behind and side shots should also do the job cleanly, I was meaning head on chest shots in my first post mate :) You know the ones where theres a puff of feathers then the bird flies off like nothing happend ( and yes thats the bitter voice of experience, or should that read inexperience from my younger years). perhaps i should have been more clear about the whole picture in my first post as you are totally correct in what you say.

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  Catcher said:
  SEAN3513 said:
they arn't daft.


you will have to find their sitty tree........look for droppings on the ground.


set up your hide about 20/25 yards away sit tight and be paitient and only take clear head or neck shots.


they arn't easy but if you can find their tree at the right time success will come.


all the best




I agree mate. You cant Just sit antwhere.You have to find out witch tree,s they are keen on. I do a lot of roost shooting.Find the right place and you will get result,s.atb catcher :clapper:



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  adam1 said:
  targa said:
  adam1 said:
The trouble with chest shots is they are often inefficiant because the contents of the crop act like a bullet proof vest so for me its head or neck shots or no shot at all.


I always try to place my chest shots from aside, or in the back, above the wing base. most of the time they drop without a flap :)

Shooting a fac airgun in .177 (18ftlbs) also helps ;)


Granted Targa with the right tools for the job you can push the boundrys, but i'm assuming most of the replys are reffering to 12 ft lbs and below, shots from behind and side shots should also do the job cleanly, I was meaning head on chest shots in my first post mate :) You know the ones where theres a puff of feathers then the bird flies off like nothing happend ( and yes thats the bitter voice of experience, or should that read inexperience from my younger years). perhaps i should have been more clear about the whole picture in my first post as you are totally correct in what you say.


thats what happened to me this morning big puff o featherd bird flys off. ui hate wounding animals but i was aming for the neck. must check my zeroing

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  Lee85 said:
I find it harder to shoot these than rabbits, wood pigeons seem to clock me long before i've got near them.


They also seem quite hard to shoot out of trees, the camo quite well, in the woods the seem to pick the trees with a lot of leafs to hide in.


Anyone else found this?

How do? Woodies are hard to shoot,They see the whites if yr eyes and there gone The nearer to a town you are the tammer they seem, in the countryside they fly off if you pick up a stick and pretend its a gun, Head and kneck shots are the best if you hit the crop(Breast) The pellet just bounces of like superman,Someone said They used pigeons in wartime to find survivers at sea,they put them in the dome shaped glass gun turrets in planes when they saw the whites of the survivers looking up they went bonkers,the people were saved.Don't know how true it is.I used sunglasses for a while.The best way i found was using a decoy and sweetcorn (tinned) then peg each bird you shot with twigs.A commo net over a bush yr in so you can't be seen from flight path above. Ian :D

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