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fleas on rabbits

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when the new season comes around someone is gonna take me out ferreting but my biggest concern at the moment is the season has just ended and all the rabbits on my permission seem to have fleas when shooting its not a problem i just prepare the bunny in the field but obviously fleas will transfer to ferrets would treatment like spot on stop this happening?

also i hear you can plop bunnys in a bucket of water and scoop out the fleas with a net after a few minutes i dont like the thought of that but it cant be done with ferrets obviously

so whats the best way to stop flea infestation?

cheers gaz

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hi gaz when you catch the rabbits and dispatch them properly just leave them on the ground after about half hour the fleas will drop off as for getting on the ferrets it cant be helped just frontline your ferrets every 12 weeks and they should be fine just hang the rabbits outside for a bit longer if they havent dropped off in the field hope that helps mate cheers DM :victory:

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For some reason jills dont seemm to get the fleas to much and if i see a flea i skwish it (albino ferrets so easy to see), i dont no why this is but i would suggest that when you kill the rabbit lay it down some distance from the ferrets and the fleas will bugger off as the temprature drops.

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Mate they are rabbit fleas . They can't live on ferrets ..or people . Might crawl about a bit or get caught in your jumper but they can't survive without a bunny to feed on. They are going to be very active at this time of year because female rabbit fleas can only breed after latching onto a pregnant rabbit & the bunnies are in Spring breeding condition .

As everyone has been saying ,hang the bunnies you've caught up and s they cool the fleas will drop off anyway.


Incidentally the fleas you do find on ferrets are usually cat or dog fleas that have come-in with hay or other bedding .

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just up the road from you and caught this last sunday




Fleas were pouring off it, never seen so many, and just on the one ear :blink:


Never had a problem with fleas on the ferts, or dogs, lots of fleas are animal specific, and wont

stay long on another animal there not specific too.

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Mate they are rabbit fleas . They can't live on ferrets ..or people . Might crawl about a bit or get caught in your jumper but they can't survive without a bunny to feed on. They are going to be very active at this time of year because female rabbit fleas can only breed after latching onto a pregnant rabbit & the bunnies are in Spring breeding condition .

As everyone has been saying ,hang the bunnies you've caught up and s they cool the fleas will drop off anyway.


Incidentally the fleas you do find on ferrets are usually cat or dog fleas that have come-in with hay or other bedding .

Thanks for that!

My pup caught a mxi the other night and I spent hours debugging it......Thought i'd done a top notch job getting them all.......thats an hour of my life I wont get back!!!!






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just up the road from you and caught this last sunday




Fleas were pouring off it, never seen so many, and just on the one ear :blink:


Never had a problem with fleas on the ferts, or dogs, lots of fleas are animal specific, and wont

stay long on another animal there not specific too.


exactly like my permission i bet if you pull tuffts of fur out theres thousands underneith the was on mine its still not a nice thought of putting em in ya bag i just hang em on the fence and prepare them before i make my way home quite a challenge in the dark with just a head lamp lol

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Even if you hang them a couple of days you still get the odd fleas on them still... Won't hurt anything, but I don't like the little bleeders anyway or ticks makes me skin crawl.. If your worried about your ferrets give them a real small squirt of frontline on their kneck and rub it in, should keep them flea and tick free...

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When I'm out lamping i put shot rabbits into a plastic box in the motor you want to see that that the next morning it's covered with fleas ,i just leave it out side and they just disperse

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well said comanche i was told by a vet about fleas years ago there rabbit fleas so they wont stay on you your dogs or ferrets and i do the same as ian b said i put a drop of frontline on my ferrets when i do the dogs it keeps the ticks off to straw not hay too in there beddin

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