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should i let her pull or should i not

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Me personally i dont like a dog pulling on the lead cause it does do your head in and your arm in after a short period of time but i do like a bit of strain on the lead i think it shows there keen and they slip easier :thumbs:

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if she is only pulling when she is seing things that you lamp and dosent pull when on normal walks id say let her pull its just her determination to chase what ever it is that you are lamping most lurchers do this sometimes it can be a sign to let you know she has seen what it is you are lamping

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Guest gaz100604

by pup pulls like a steam train on lamp nearly chokes himself he pulls that hard nothing i tried to do has helped so i leave him off , i also i like when there determinded only bollox is end night the hands sore

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Try and discourage your pup from pulling or you'll end up with unnecessary noise with the dog choking to be let off. Try to aim for a calm dog when lamping especially if you have company when you go out. If you dont knock it on the head it'll be a headache (not to mention a sore arm) for you. What your aiming for is the dog to walk calmly at your side with no noise this will allow you to get closer to the rabbit before slipping which is always good for a pup. There are other reasons for having a calm dog that I wont go into here but you know what I mean hopefully. One other point just because your dog pulls when you've got the lamp on doesn't mean he's spotted the rabbit especially if it's a squatter I've made that mistake a few times with yougsters only to see them fly past the rabbit....Anyways good luck with a wee bit of patience the dog will come away from pulling especially if you correct it now.

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Guest ferret feller

my mates pup used too pull but shes got older now and just slinks along next too his feet untill it feels the slip lead losen pain in the ass pulling and coughing and wheezing too get away....

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my lurcher pulls like hell when she sees somthing on the lamp....should i let her do it or pull her back?


she doesnt pull on the lead at all when on a walk!


Try training the pup off the slip on a park or field with a dummy, allowing her to walk beside you, learn it to run the beam on you command, a hiss or pst when you want it to go, then dispense with the slip lead, I cant be on with a dog pulling at anytime, persevere it does work.

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Bruce pulls like f**k when you're walking with the lamp off, but once you put it on the pulling stops and the attention is on where the lamp is going and whats down the beam, i dont like pulling i just find it more annoying than anything else, on his own you can leave him off the slip and send him when you want to, but not with other dogs there.

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thank you for your advice,she pulls and it does my head in as my arm gets tired when were lamping but im not going to discourage her, she stops pulling when the lamp is on...and thats one of the reasons i decided against getting anouther lurcher as i can hardly hold one never mind two.....she dont do it when im taking her out on our daily walks so i presume shes just keen


im just going to let her pull as to not discourage her and do a bit of weight lifting to strengthen my arm :laugh:

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i like it [bANNED TEXT] thay pull watching over dogs on the run. its nice and it gets ur hart going knowin there a chase on but if she only doing it then and how bad is she doing. if she doing flips then no.

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