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In season already!!

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Mines not come into season yet , but commanche mentioned something interesting about laying snow possibly making a difference & i looked up some more indeapth stuff about photoperiod & if i can find the peice i will post it.


It was explaining that its to do with reflection , i noticed this year the first year we have had show lay for any length of time how much lighter it apperared , so maybe its a possibility

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Mines not come into season yet , but commanche mentioned something interesting about laying snow possibly making a difference & i looked up some more indeapth stuff about photoperiod & if i can find the peice i will post it.


It was explaining that its to do with reflection , i noticed this year the first year we have had show lay for any length of time how much lighter it apperared , so maybe its a possibility

That would make a lot of sense Kay :yes: I hope you can find the post! Will make for an interesting read.

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Mines not come into season yet , but commanche mentioned something interesting about laying snow possibly making a difference & i looked up some more indeapth stuff about photoperiod & if i can find the peice i will post it.


It was explaining that its to do with reflection , i noticed this year the first year we have had show lay for any length of time how much lighter it apperared , so maybe its a possibility

That would make a lot of sense Kay :yes: I hope you can find the post! Will make for an interesting read.

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Mines not come into season yet , but commanche mentioned something interesting about laying snow possibly making a difference & i looked up some more indeapth stuff about photoperiod & if i can find the peice i will post it.


It was explaining that its to do with reflection , i noticed this year the first year we have had show lay for any length of time how much lighter it apperared , so maybe its a possibility

That would make a lot of sense Kay :yes: I hope you can find the post! Will make for an interesting read.

Might be on to something there Kay. We've had no laying snow here, and mine aren't in yet. :hmm:

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3 week old kits already :icon_eek: feck me. mine never come in season til around end of april may, in fact my hobs are still in with the jills. the hobs have droped, and keep trying the jills but get knowhere. i bet there frustrated :clapper:

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All mine are now out of season and the hobs are in yesterday i had to take my smallest jill out from one hutch and put her in another one as my complete hob was bumming her

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I remember commanche saying something about rabbits & snow on here a few months back & couldnt see why it cant also be possible with the extra light that laying snow creates can alter the ferrets season


I have no idea if this therey has been researched properly in some kind of controlled tests , but i seriously think it could be a possibility why there seasons seem to have started early in some areas


I was amazed at how much more light the snow gave off as this is the first year i can remember it laying for over a week here , coupled with the full moon it didnt appear to go dark a couple of nights

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