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murdered follower

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A follower of the Warwickshire hunt was killed by two men in a micro copter on monday this week. They are being held on suspision of murder. The hunt reported the helicopter following them for weeks apparantly but the cops did nothing. They havnt been charged yet.

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A follower of the Warwickshire hunt was killed by two men in a micro copter on monday this week. They are being held on suspision of murder. The hunt reported the helicopter following them for weeks apparantly but the cops did nothing. They havnt been charged yet.


How did it happen? i keep hearing about it but miss all the details :icon_redface:

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he got hit by the aircraft on long marston airfield i think.it was the monitor wankers who have been pestering hunts in the area for weeks.if it was murder then its life.thoughts go out to the family.

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Copied from another site ;




Charlotte White, H&H deputy news editor


9 March, 2009


Police are investigating after a hunt follower was killed in an incident at a Warwickshire airfield earlier today (Monday March 9).


Emergency services were called to Long Marston Airfield, in Lower Quinton, at 3.10pm after a collision involving an aircraft and a pedestrian.



A man who is believed to be in his 40s was pronounced dead at the scene. He had been following the Warwickshire hunt. "



Two people were arrested on suspicion of murder and are currently in custody at Leamington Spa where they will be questioned by officers.



DCI Adrian McGee said: "I can confirm that we are dealing with an incident at Long Marston Airfield involving a gyrocopter and that sadly a man has died as a result of the incident.



"It is far too early to tell what has occurred at the airfield at this stage. We will be conducting a thorough investigation into the circumstances to establish exactly what happened here today."



A spokesman for the Warwickshire told H&H: "A tragic and fatal accident happened at Long Marston today involving a keen follower of the hunt.



"There has been a gyrocopter following the hunt for several weeks."




What a terrible waste of a life you would have thought these idiots would have something better to do than follow around and video country people, a friend of my dad's had been out with the Warwickshire a week last Monday and had left early due to them being followed by the gyrocopter.


Thought's go out to the man's family and friends

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The following is a copy of a statement from the Countryside Alliance on the death of Trevor Morse:


Many of you will already be aware of the horrific incident at Long Marston airfield in Warwickshire on Monday. Trevor Morse, a passionate and committed supporter of the Warwickshire Hunt and the Alliance, was killed by a gyrocopter that had been used by anti hunt monitors to follow the hunt for some weeks.


This is not the time or place to discuss details of what happened, or why. The truth will emerge from the various inquiries already in play. It is a time to think about Trevor's family and friends. One of those friends, Warwickshire Joint-Master Sam Butler, paid him a fitting tribute: "Trevor was a very great supporter, a passionate believer in country sports and hunting and the tribute I pay is not only to him but to his family. This man was the most loyal and most high quality supporter of hunting you will ever find. Outside his family, it was the most important thing to him."


A police investigation is ongoing and two people who we believe are linked to a local animal rights group called Protect Our Wild Animals (POWA) are being questioned on suspicion of murder. The legal process will continue, and along side that we will be restating our concerns to the police and other bodies about the behaviour of animal rights activists (who frequently masquerade as monitors) in relation to hunts.


There is one basic truth that still seems to escape anti-hunt groups: it is the role of the police, and no-one else, to uphold the law. Animal rights activists cannot appoint themselves to police hunting any more than any other activist can appoint themselves to police any other law. No-one could ever have predicted that the behaviour of the anti-hunting groups could have led to an incident as horrific as that on Monday, but it was always bound to cause conflict and concern, and raise tensions.


Ironically, yesterday we also received news that would have delighted Trevor Morse as much as it has everybody else in the countryside. In the wake of the recent High Court ruling on the Hunting Act, and the Director of Public Prosecution's decision not to appeal, the Crown Prosecution Service has dropped all charges against Julian Barnfield, Huntsman of the Heythrop Hunt. His prosecution was the result of a concerted campaign waged by POWA, with help from the International Fund for Animal Welfare, and its collapse reveals as a complete nonsense the anti-hunting response to the High Court judgment. The Hunting Act is a fundamentally flawed piece of legislation and it is now even less likely, although not impossible, that hunts will be prosecuted.


There are no reasonable arguments left for retaining the Hunting Act, so getting rid of it need not be complicated or time consuming. Bad laws should be repealed, and this is a very bad law. Legal progress is important but it is another reason for repeal, not a substitute for it. The Act has failed completely and for the sake of Trevor, and everyone else affected by a law which promotes so much conflict and confusion, it cannot be allowed to remain in force.




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Does anyone know if this POWA lot are what used to be called something like Cotswold Hunt Monitors or Cotswold Animal Welfare, led by Jill Hulse? There was also that old twat from the swan santuary at Cirencester and a weird bird who always wore an ALF t-shirt. I haven't seen them about for ages, anyone else know them? They used to cruise around in a scooby estate, bird looked like she needed a good feed, a jet-wash and a day out with Trinny and Susannah.


Great news that Julian's troubles are over. He's a superb huntsman and a bloody nice bloke!


With regard to the gyrocopter problems it would probably be worth handing any video evidence to the Civil Aviation Authority, as it would be their bag rather than the police. To my knowledge (and I'm not referring to the targedy at Long Marston) police powers against the pilot would be fairly limited and probably so convoluted that the CPS would slope shoulders and nothing would really happen. Failing that, could anyone lay their hands on a spare RPG or Dushka?





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Surely if some of us know who these Antis are then we should be able to adopt a similar "direct action" campaign against them.


Or is it another case of the minority dictating the rules of the game to the majority?


Me, I'm beagling this w/e and fortunately we rarely see the twunts. I know for certain the outcome if they dared show up. Hopefully the police will turn a blind eye........................ again!

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