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I would assume Kennel Cough


If it is it will get better in a week or two

Jst be careful it aint Lungworm.. Dogs can come into contact wit Lungworm from water left out in the open n slugs get into it..

Look out for blood in their poo, depression n as u said coughin..

Id get them checked by a vet

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Far more likely to be the result of straining the lungs on a hard run if the dogs weren't used to such runs. Most dogs will cough if they get a hard run and its the first in a while, even if they are relatively fit beforehand. Also, their throats get sore when running hard: an old remedy used to be to give the dog a lump of goose fat to swallow before they ran! Don't know if it worked or not.


Give them a teaspoon of honey on their tongue as that will help to ease a sore throat. And in future, make sure they have plenty of galloping exercise before letting them run game that runs far. The lungs need to be exercised to get accustomed to the hard work just the same as any other part of the body.


Only other thing is that when a dog's running hard either behind another dog or behind game that is kicking up dust etc, then they are bound to inhale dust and dirt. Coughing brings that muck back up again.


If the dogs are still coughing after a couple of days then seek professional advice.

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