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FX2000 PCP

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just got an fx2000 pcp airgun, seems good, but i bought it with about half pressure in the canister, just went to the gun maybe 18 hours later and it is flat as a pancake, is this very bad, i was told it held pressure. any ideas as to what might be causing this, the pressure gauge is missing from the stock could this be it? are there any seals that regularly go on pcp guns or the fx2000? any clues as to what it may be and how i will sort it?? cheers. jay

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It could be some of the seals but ive also read somewhere that if the pressure drops too low on some guns they empty completely. im not sure how true this is but i presume you have soem charging equipment so just give it a pump up to about 180bar and see wether it holds over night.



Edited by hughesey1552
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pump it up tp 180bar and leave it for 24hrs.


then check it again...........it should hold pressure if not, check the bolt wasn't cocked ( this can cause a slight leak)


if it has lost alot or all its pressure ( and its not cocked) it will be a seal problem or a leak from where the pressure gauge was fitted ( and not sealed properly)


£40-50 will have it serviced and will sort it out and well worth it for piece of mind.


good luck



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spot on for the replies guys, ill leave it overnight see what happens. who would be the best bet to service it, webley or a local gunsmith? im in carlisle cumbria if anyone knows of anyone in the area suited to the job. or would it be as easy getting a seal kit and doing it myself, im an engineer i could probably handle it unless there are specialist equiptment involved? thanks again

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i was looking at investing in a half decent set of scopes, i was looking at nikko sterling nighteater, purely on looks to tell u the truth


any recomendations, sumthing sturdy im sick of re-zero-ing sights

they gud we got 1 on a 17hmr simmons gud to try pro air or white tail classic

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