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Shot and Retrieved Fox

Guest Champ606

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Guest Champ606

During this season Myself, SamWard and Stuartstokes have been carrying out some pest control of Foxes for a local farmer who has given us permission on his land.


We have shot many this season and the farmer has been more than pleased, however each time we visited the farm there was one wiley charlie boy that eluded us everytime, same place same time he was there and what ever we tried he somehow managed to get away....


Popped up last night with the sole goal of finally getting the better of this fox, 2 rifles , lightforce with red lense, fox caller and my bitch for good luck.


Same place she was there sitting pretty around the barns and outbuildings, she bolted around the back of the barn and we followed around the opposite side and started up the fox caller.

she was there staring straight down the red lense,


my mate SamWard steadied himself one shot and down she dropped, great shot decided to slip my bitch as she was keen as mustard, she has never been to bothered with foxes but to our amazement she went straight to it and retrived it around 70 yards back to us.


All in all another great night and of course the farmer was happy







ATB Champ

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Well done mate, i used to see a fox every morning in the same place next to a sheep field and my dogs couldn't get anywhere near it till i eventually found it denned up in a old tyre pile, put the terrier in and he stopped her (pre-ban) that put a end to the lambs getting slaughtered

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its always nice when a dog suprises, ive had it myself from my "ferreting" dog. although his retrieving leaves a lot to be desired as he only a lightly built fella, but he will gaurd a shot fox, just incase it runs off... :whistling:

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Guest Champ606
derry did you proud mate, lets hope she can retrieve alot more foxes for us in the future... ;);)


it was a good long shot though... B)



It was a great long shot mate, and like you say she really did us proud , fingers crossed for a few more ;)

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