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gas fitting industry?

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hello, im just wondering if there are any gas fitter (engineers) or plumbers on here...?


the reason i ask is, im thinking of re training in one of these.....is there still plenty of work in these areas?..if not do you think it will pick up...?


how are the people who train via 6month intensive courses accepted amongst people who trained as a apprentice etc?



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i personally think these "intensive courses" are a load of shite.


Yes, you do your theory work, and become qualified. but then your thrown onto a site, and you have no practical experience.


Im speaking as an electrician, and i've seen lads come onto site's from these "get qualified quick courses" and they're monstly, use-less!!


a proper apprenticeship IMO is the best way into any trade ;)

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my cousin is a gas fitter last 40 years,he gets alot of work finishing off work from less experienced fitters,he went to a restraunt to sort out a small problem,ended up putting a stop notice or what ever they call it on new kitchen down to the amout of faults with it,same person did a central heating job for a friend of mine,cost him £1000 to get pipe work re-routed wasent getting hot.

but my cousin is up to his eye balls with work turning it away because he is booked so far in advance

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hello mate


ive been a gas fitter/plumber for the last 25 years.


i have been self employed for ten years, i have never advertised and work on word of mouth.


we are very lucky in this area....we dont see the highs or the lows....it is a pretty stable economy ( very rural)


as for fast track training......not a big fan of it........theres no substitute for experience.





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hello greg...but surely you had previous qualifications to be accepted for corgi resistration?



none what so ever,the company i worked for sent me on a course to scarbough for one week,three days theory and two days practical ,two weeks later corgi card came in the post ,i worked doing caravan maintenace so it was all lpg

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depends what you want to do.


if your just house bashing it can be picked up fairly easily.


if your wanting to venture in boiler maintainence it becomes more difficult.


i would advise trying to get on an apprenticship scheme with btitish gas or similar.


good luck


all the best



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