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I put this up on General but not much of a response.Anyone taken young ferral goats for consumption?I have to cull a load of them and just wondering how big should I leave them before I take some?Can the adults be eaten or are they :sick: How long should they be hung or can you stick them straight in the freezer?And last question whats the best way of cooking?Should I treat it just like lamb?Never tried it before hence all the questions. :victory:

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I've only had experience with domesticated goats, but they were mountain goats and hardy little things. Don't try and eat the old ones: smelly and tough as old boots! We used to eat the male kids by the time they were 6 months old maximum: very tender. Cook like lamb. I suppose you could always hang female adults like you would venison, but I've never tried it.

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Guest Countryboyo

Jigsaw ive raised kid goats in the past but never for meat. If you capture a few kids I could rear them for you and send them back fat. I need a bit of rough ground cleared and as you probably already know, them fuckers would eat anything.

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  jigsaw said:
Thanks guys,is it obvious as to their age?Suppose looking at them I'll know :blink: Anyone ever eat an adult female?

My dad killed an old billy in our back garden in the early 50s,in those days nothing went to waste and there were no freezers so we ate it till it was gone ,50 odd years later i can still taste it, its was vile :sick:

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Had a few female goats slaughtered in Norway a few years ago. They weren't fattened or finished though, so not a lot of meat on them, but cooked in casserole or curry they tasted lovely.

To be honest, I wouldn't touch a Billy goat - they stink so badly!

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Guest Countryboyo

Many days you have lingered around my cabbin door, Oh hard times come again no more!! Sure if you dont like the taste of it im sure the dogs wont say no. Might as well chance it anyway.

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countryboyo if you think for 1 minute im chasing a few manky goats across a forestry and if for any reason i caught them you surely dont think im going to stuff the dirty b*****ds in the back seat of my car,lol.I have just the job for stopping them DEAD in their tracks.Scent its quiet obvious the recession isnt affecting you anyway.I'm at the stage of eating anything right now(my eldest son looks just right for the oven at the moment) :clapper: Im blue in the face at eating rabbit,(could it be myxie?) :blink: Micky sounds ........INTERESTING......but not very enticing :sick: Any more knowelegable folk out there.I have the gun hitting the bull spot on at 100 yards.I have the camera charged and ready to go,now all I need is deisel and I'm away :toast:

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  jigsaw said:
countryboyo if you think for 1 minute im chasing a few manky goats across a forestry and if for any reason i caught them you surely dont think im going to stuff the dirty b*****ds in the back seat of my car,lol.I have just the job for stopping them DEAD in their tracks.Scent its quiet obvious the recession isnt affecting you anyway.I'm at the stage of eating anything right now(my eldest son looks just right for the oven at the moment) :clapper: Im blue in the face at eating rabbit,(could it be myxie?) :blink: Micky sounds ........INTERESTING......but not very enticing :sick: Any more knowelegable folk out there.I have the gun hitting the bull spot on at 100 yards.I have the camera charged and ready to go,now all I need is deisel and I'm away :toast:

your off your head pal but iv been told the older ones are rough as fcuk.Sure the only way to find out is to try one i suppose ,you could mince some up into billy burgers .The younger ones are suppossed to be grand to eat

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had younger ones a few times. billy burgers, billy curry, billy chilie. wouldnt eat an older billy they drink there piss and ive bein told the meat is very strong tasting. my uncle used to rear and kill the young to eat.

shame you couldnt sell them to the west indians as they like them. asians/pakies like them but thy want them alive to sacrifice them

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