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Aggressive possum behaviour

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Yesterday I came across this tiny fellow while I was going around my snares. I could have easily clubbed it, but I didn't . It is in a typical possum pose.... the one that says "Back off or I will damage you".... but somehow I wasn't convinced of the danger seeing that this little bloke sat only about seven or eight inches high.


I had to chase it away to make it hide itself. I was concerned that the local dogs might find it.


I had quite a good run yesterday (for me anyway).... six possums from 19 sets. I think I am gradually improving.



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I reckon that a possum is unlikely to cause a human serious harm... but they could certainly draw blood and make your eyes water. A big one would only weigh about 10 pounds. They have big sharp claws, but those are mainly for tree climbing. They screech, bare their teeth and lift their claws in a threatening pose.... but I have never been hurt by one.


I wouldn't, however, try to pick up a possum that wasn't dead. And they can take a bit of killing too. A guy I talked to a couple of days ago reckons they have 18 lives.


A couple of times I have had possums suddenly leap into space (towards me) when held in a snare. It gives me quite a fright when that happens because I feel that if they made contact they'd be bound to rake me.


I recall a story about some guys that were spotlighting (lamping) for possums from the back of a small utility truck. Somebody shot a possum, retrieved it... and flung it into the back of the truck. After a while the possum "came to" and climbed one of the shooter's legs. I wish that I had been there to enjoy it.

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Do you ever use the Bigalow or Banya killing traps ?

If so,.how do you rate their effectiveness up against the snares?

Have you tried the Kania Trap,..and would a Possom get his head in one ?

All the best, ChalkWarren ;)


No.... I haven't used any of the traps that you listed. In fact I have never even heard of them.


I think a possum is likely to try to get his head into anything that looks interesting - or if it smells of food. However big possums have quite a big head.... and I dunno if they would fit it into the trap shown in your picture...unless the opening is at least 3.5 inches wide... preferably 4 inches.


I am by no means a trap expert though. I have a friend who has worked in animal control and he was telling me about a trap he really likes for possums. It sounds a bit like it has a Fenn-type action and it is designed to set up a tree. Could be quite wrong about that description... but I will endeavour to find out more some time.


We have a kill trap for possums here which is good for people who only need a trap or two for possum control. It is a plastic container with spring trap inside. The possum apparently sticks his head through the hole, and gets clonked by a spring-loaded bar across the neck. I think this one is called a Timms trap. I have never used one, but I understand that they are set on the ground.


One thing that has been used a lot for possums here is a cage trap. I have used one of these a number of times. Of course the possum has to be killed when caught, and this isn't an easy thing for an inexperienced person to do seeing you cant swing a club at a possum in the cage... you have to get it out first... and generally the possums would not be inclined to co-operate at this stage. I guess some folks may drown them, but I do not agree with this (although I can understand why some country-dwelling rose-growing enthusiasts might drown them with glee). I generally stick the barrel of a .22 rifle through the bars and give them a lead pill in the head.


(Cage traps are what I would generally use for feral cats. I quite like cats, but they can be very destructive to our native bird populations.... especially our ground-dwelling flightless species).


But I like snares. And I have still got a heap to learn about making and setting these simple devices. I love their simplicity and their portability.


If I were to try to really make some money from possums, or if I had a big block of land I needed to eradicate them from, I suppose I would adopt one of the common methods of control used here like cyanide bait stations, leg traps, or shooting at night with a scoped .22 and a spotlight. I do shoot a few from time to time, but no method seems as beautiful as snaring.

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Many thanks for your reply,..yes,.I know of the Timms Trap,... :D

I remember my old trapping master saying to me,."Keep it simple Stupid"...and nothing is as basic or simple as The Snare,...old as time itself....All the best,..Chalkwarren... ;)

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