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Fishing gear,

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Fishing gear from the polaks and other fish relocation extraordinaires top shop Lidle from monday the 9th :D Gonna treat myself to a pair of chest waders @ 12.70. Plenty of other stuff, nitelites, jigs, lures, rods, nets, line........ Fill yer boots :victory:

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I'll get someone to go down early and pick me the waders and telescopic landing net up, Hopefully before they sell out of them. I'm not expecting much for the price really but as long as they keep the water out they will do. I'll let you know If there any good. Won't be able to give much of a verdict as my rods broke :icon_redface: but I'll let you know what I think.


I was looking at the nite lights and they seemed good value but I've never used them and don't need any.


Fish poaching Terrier s, Tut tut :laugh:


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Funny thing.I'm also planning to pick up the waders tomorrow having had the Liddl leaflet poked through my letter box.

I reckon the cheap rods and reels are a bit of a false economy but the waders should last a season or 2 for bass/mackerel fishing.

I got the telescopic landing net from Aldi last year and it was really good for landing wrasse and pollack off the Devon coast.

Cheers Mooster.

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The waders look allright for the price. Only cheap PVC but good enough. Should keep the water and that out. The net looks spot on too. Bit too big for what I want but decent for the price. Apparently there was loads after the fishing gear as soon as the shop opened up here.

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