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lads do any of you know how would you have an idea of telling a lurchers age im going to buy one and one lad told me his 17 mths old and another lad said his 23 mths old how can i tell

any goog dog men here

Why do you need to be so precise on the age?.

Be more concerned about its condition and is it a good dog for you.

Take it out for a trial.

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Teeth are usually a fairly good way to 'approx' on age but as others have said chck the condition in general of the dog, & go with bloke on trial. a couple of months shouldnt make much difference but on other hand both lads are talking about same dog how come they dont know how old it is -

If neither of them know true age- keep looking- it may not be their dog to start with or maybe I'm too suspicious with all the 'lost' ones I keep finding.

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Guest hpool_hunter

age is a funny thing in dogs , people say about the greying around the muzzle ect , or teeth , but the teeth could be just from bad diet , and the greying just might be in the dogs breeding ect ,


this bitch of my mates here looks old as the hills , but its actually only 3 years old and deffo 3 because he bred it himself .



if your unsure , as others have said , keep looking , and always ask to see it work if buying a worker . if your getting told differnt storys , then something is obviously up .

all best


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