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hi lads and girl i have a deerhound xgreyhound it 26"at the shoulder i wound like to know what i shound put over my bitch . a greyhound or a deerhound xgreyhound . or a whippt thank u for youre help


U could try a colliexgreyhound my m8s got 1. Its only a nipper but its got potential :good::good::good::):D :

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Guest midnight_runner
i think i put a whippet on my bitch how much do u think i can sell them for

if your bitch is 26 inch it could be a bit of a stretch for a whippet mate only a thought

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Mate, this is only an observation but why do you want to breed your bitch?What they will sell for shouldnt be what matters :(

Either you want a pup for yourself or your trying to breed a better type of dog, not puppy peddling

This is only my opinion, but my dogs are my passion not my living

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Guest buster
Mate, this is only an observation but why do you want to breed your bitch?What they will sell for shouldnt be what matters :(

Either you want a pup for yourself or your trying to breed a better type of dog, not puppy peddling

This is only my opinion, but my dogs are my passion not my living

Very good post mate :good: F***king puppy peddlers are w***kers and want 2 work 4 a living :angry:


hi lads and girl i have a deerhound xgreyhound it 26"at the shoulder i wound like to know what i shound put over my bitch . a greyhound or a deerhound xgreyhound . or a whippt thank u for youre help


The size of the stud dog depends on what size pups you want to produce

Its nothing to do with the size of the stud dog its what the dog and bitch have got bred into them, i have put 27" over 27" and ended up with 21" :rolleyes:

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i think i put a whippet on my bitch how much do u think i can sell them for



Sounds like a young buck wanting to make some money. I dont agree with selling pups for anymore than £100. At the end of the day, a pup will only be worth what you make it.


After you buy the pup, you gotta have its innocs which are about £40.


Lad's i know sell pups for £30-£40, enough to pay for the pups food and treatment for bitch before breeding. And a tiny bit profit.


If my bitch comes anygood i will be breeding from her, when she's 2year old at least, and the pups will be going for no more than £50 apiece.


I know a bloke who sells dogs regular, one word desribes him TOSSER


When i first met him he had a 12week old colliexgreyhound bitch. And wanted £200 for it. My jaw dropped. He had about 8 other dogs in his garden & it smelt of shit & piss.


I told him its too dear and asked how much i wanted to spend. My limit was £100. Apparently I would "only get someone else's shite for less than £200"


Tried explaining to him that a dog is only worth what you make it & he started coming out with shit like "You'd only get a stupid pup for that, then you'd have to go through all the training"


Tosser's like him who give us lurchermen a bad name.


Need-less to say I've never spoke to him again.

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i think i put a whippet on my bitch how much do u think i can sell them for


Sounds to me that you just want to make some money. :no:


i think i put a whippet on my bitch how much do u think i can sell them for

Sounds like a young buck wanting to make some money. I dont agree with selling pups for anymore than £100. At the end of the day, a pup will only be worth what you make it.

After you buy the pup, you gotta have its innocs which are about £40.

Lad's i know sell pups for £30-£40, enough to pay for the pups food and treatment for bitch before breeding. And a tiny bit profit.


Not really wanting to stir up any arguments here but advertising pups for sale at low prices just allows all the proper nitwits/dickheads whatever you want to call them an almost open invitation to disregard the pup and just toss it aside at the first instance of trouble,almost anyone can find £30 or £40 for a dog, but like i said generally when advertising them for low prices you just seem to attract the clowns,if on the other hand you offer them for sale at several hundred pounds then imo if you get people who are genuinely interested and prepared to part with their hard earned cash then they are usually prepared to put in the graft required for the wellbeing of the pup.I know this isn't always the case but from experience this is generally the rule.I personally would advertise my pups for decent money and if a genuine person came and put the cash in my hand then i would be prepared to give them a decent chunk back for luck,atleast you know they are prepared to pay and not some clown who tries to haggle with you or talk shite to you over the phone.At the end of the day if you want quality items you must be prepared to foot the bill,it's just like buying a motor.Cheers Andy. :good:


I totally agree with you on this one ASD. :good:

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