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Hello mate, hows it going?


Pm me some pics of what you have been upto when you get a chance mate, be great to see what going on your side!...we are done hunting the raccoons here now, got out last night though, and we shot a skunk, and killed five feral cats...we seen a coyote, but couldnt get on him, which was a shame...roll on next season!



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Nevada was a great place to hunt hares and rabbits, and there was yotes everywhere mate, but in places i would run a dog...the ground was mental...we killed a bunch of hares and rabbits on the dry lake beds, and the sage brush that was surrounding it...way more to go at here though mate...rabbits, possoms (waste of time!) raccoons, fox, coyotes, feral cats etc...and the good thing is, nobody likes any of that gear on there land!...


In the season, when we are full swing, we are out at night three or four times a week with the big dogs, and get out twice a week with the terriers, although maybe more with the terriers next season, as i got some young stock coming on, both pups will be first season dogs though, so they will get light work, maybe none at all to be honest, as they have some Bull in 'em, and i dont want to get them 'firing' to early, and then have to live with them all through the summer!...lol.


We have a TON of permission now as well, and most places are a "Kill everything!" type of farm, they hate most varmits out here, and we are taking the pelts as well...roll on next season!


I hope you get your luck changing for you and your mutts mate...f**k me, your an unlucky sod!...



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