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My new dog

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Hi there,


First post in this section. Thought I might share a few pics of my three and a half month old Lab (some of the pics are from when he was younger).


Seems very eager to please and takes no notice of the gun except to look up.


He'll sit on command but we haven't really started any serious training, I was going to wait a few more months.


I'll be glued to this forum when the time comes, and no doubt calling on you for help when it all goes wrong.













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Now there's a proper dog :victory:;)


Love the deep colour of him, What line's is he from? :good:


Hi Lewis,


I got him from a place called Humblebee on the Isle of Grain, both his mum and dad are good workers and the owner seemed to know his onions. If he turns out to be rubbish I've only got myself to blame.


Anything you think I should know, I see from your signature you've got a few.





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jees you had a bit of a journey then?


Bascially just do a lot of play retreive's with her and ingrain bringing thing's back to you.

Dont rush her, And never compare her training to anyone else's dog you know.

Ooo and make everything you do with her fun and game's.


Best of luck with her.


You have a pm btw :thumbs:

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Beautiful pup mate, congratulations.


As everyone else has said, take your time, you have a great oppurtunity now to build a really strong bond wtih your pup, just by being the source of all that is pleasurable in its life, ie lots of time spent together playing fun and games.


The time spent now building that bond between you is irreplacable and is worth more than anything you would ever achieve by starting training early.


Best of luck,



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