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Live mouse traps

Guest Countryboyo

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Don't feed your snake a wild mouse, they are diseased and can pass on parasites to your herp. Even if they look healthy.


Instead, go and buy a live mouse from a petshop. Keep it alive until right before feeding, then pinch it's neck and drop it in to the vivarium. Popping it's neck will prevent it from injuring your snake [don't laugh, your snake only has to be a little hesitant to get a nip, and a small rodent nip can turn into a huge festering wound which will reuire intensive treatment. Better safe than sorry.] but it will still be kicking and acting 'alive' enough to trigger your snake's prey drive.


Good luck, let me know how it gets on.

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Guest Countryboyo

I ordered mice from the local petshop for next week. snake is three years and nearly four foot I think. I just remembered there might be rat poison lying around somewhere so i wont bother feeding the snake a wild mouse incase it has poison in it.

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Guest Countryboyo
  aaronpigeonplucker said:
no matter whever its legal or not if the rat or mouse was poisend and you fed it to you snake then it could kill it.


Did you not see what I wrote in the post immediately above yours???? :icon_redface:

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as allready explained dont feed wild. i have fed snakes in the past live food but at some point you want to try and get them on frozen is the snake healthy and free of mites as both can put it of its food but definately try young mice as older can bite or scratch causing a nasty and expensive infection also make sure the mouse is warm as snakes are attracted to a heat source hope this helps

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