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top blood lines

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theres no lucky lines what so ever in tramp i know how hes bred gaskin bred tramp and sold him as a youngster they still got tramps father alive and well a good age he is now they managed to buy him back and the rest is history now theres not a dog in the country that as produced the quality of match dogs that tramp as nor as there been many dogs that were on a par with him in his day ive seen most of them run at some time or other nor did many of them have a career as long as him and saying that is teastament to how good this dog was because his owners standards and expectations of a dog are very high indeed and they only keep and breed from the very best that are tested to the hilt on the very best of hares twice and three times a week season after season the gaskin familys history and coursing back ground speaks for it self and they will more than put theyre money where theyre mouths up to back theyre dogs up against any dog in the country they do lose occasionaly but not very often im not going to comment any further on this thread because i know they wont appreciate theyre name being bandied about on this site but please dont try to typecast theyre dogs when with the greatest of respect i say the majority of you know nothing or very little about them there was some derogatory comments made last year about henrys old dog ice when i mentioned this to henry at the time is words were tell them to ring me i got 10 grand to put up to say they are talking shite but like i just said boys lets leave it alone and keep names out and only discuss together what we all know about


brookie you must have a litter of pups four sale out of ( tramp) :clapper::clapper::clapper: and for putting 10 grand up why dint you pay someone that to get your boys dog back off the WARRENER or pay 5 .40 to get back across the bridge yourself :no::no:

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is a dog with top blood lines any different in the field from a dog that doesnt have these lines ,some people will pay high end prices for them ,i bet there are dogs owned on this site that are just a

why dont you guys get a match sorted im sure there will be countless members on here that have read this post that will want to see the outcome,that would sort out the bitching alb martync

willow more names and alias than lord lucan why dont you go f**k your self i got tramp saplins here yes they are 7 mths old did i sell them no i placed one with a good friend mr gaskin and his immeadiate family got some and i got the other and ive got another old bitch in pup to tramp yes are the pups for sale no least of all to a muppet like your self you wouldnt know what to do with an animal bred like that

and as for the warrener hes like your self a fuckng chancer and a fraud now go and get the missis littlewoods catalogue sneak into the bathroom lock the door and have a little your time on the womens page and stay away from discussions about real dogs because your way out of your depth

ps if one of the mods are reading this could you please delete my account with immeadiate effect please because you continually allow these idiots on here under various names causing trouble and to be quite honest i got much better things to do than argue with these type of idiots. goodbye folks

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what you dont like the truth (FOOL) your boys dog and you wern,t man enough to go and get it off a old man your a joke like the dogs you breed chancer you drop names like its going out of fashion :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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this started as a good opinionated topic , theres always some folk who spoil it by slaggin someone off

it should have been kept to voicing our own opinions and let others decide for themselves

its like everything else theres peole who like diffrent dogs and breedings because of different reasons ,

and people like different running styles and some people who think a dog is good , others might think they are average


i said earlier i have my own opinions , and i do appreciate other peoples opinions providing they dont start a slaggin match

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i started this thread hoping that the lads on hear can give knowledge to those who dont know much about dogs ie newbies and so on that are wanting to get into the game but it seems that

this topic will never come to a conclusion of some sort each to there own ,everybody has there own view on the subject mentioned it could go on forever thanks for your views alb martync

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Any of you coursing fellas fancy doing a thread on how to enter a dog into coursing? I for one would be fasinated to hear a few tricks of the trade! I for one belive that if you are personally happy with your own dog, and you put the time in training and entering correctly, you shuld have little if no complaints.


However I am a novice when it comes to coursing, so cannot have any input their, however good bloodlines do have to start somewhere, probaly with a well trained and happy pup, and I reckon the point made about 'the man behind the dog' is extremely valid. Interesting thread (bar the slagging off) no fair to use fellas names who are not on here or involved in the thread.


ATVB Richard


ps, is this what coursing men do once the season is over? (spend time arguing :boredom: )

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how many matches did he have? how many in the winter? and was he lab x grey? i no who owns the dog now and i said id name two to your every one so theres s.g old bitch what won forly last year top bred an theres the other finalist this year benji lines mmmm any more cos i can double every no blood dog you can name

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of course it depends on the owner as to what level there dog reaches but as for all the top contenders they have top blood lines.give 2 equally skilled men a dog each one bred well an one not and see whitch one shines? there will allways be a freak or even two but thats not many considering is it, you didnt tell me how many matches in the winter the so called lab x had?

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Me my self i dont believe in top bloodline dogs i just believe in worker to worker the best dogs that i have seen work have been off of not topline bred dogs and that is me being totally truthful

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when was the last time a unkown bred dog won the forley cup or competitions , or made any sort of match dog ???

all the good dogs are out of foxy or charlie bred stuff , or line bred merlin eve stuff

What i dont understand is everyone goes on about these saluki xs to catch hares n thats usually all they DO catch you should have a dog you can slip on whatever is in the field andhave a good attempt of catching it

i new it wouldnt be long before you cropped up :clapper::clapper: we all know yours will catch rabbit fox deer and hare you told us :clapper::clapper::clapper: not brickin it tonight

when did i tell u that mate?

im not trying to make an arguement just expressing MY opinion dick head

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