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Earth Dog Running Dog

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Is EDRD worth the subscription !? ive never read it before and was just wondering...what do you lot think?


Ask Jessdale......... ;)

It is the 5th of the month today and i have still not received it this month.I cannot think straight with worry,will it be here tomorrow or the day after?,what happens if it does not arrive untill next week???.If the postman hasn`t got it in his bag tomorrow he had better get ready!!!.What is EDRD anyway? :icon_eek:

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just incase anyone is unaware jessdale is incharge of the distrudution of EDRD, so if you have any queeries just pm him, he just likes teasing you and making you wait.

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I have only just subscribed and have the last three editions.... It's a great mag and a really good read, haven't bothered with CMW since I signed up ;)

Edited by Wallop
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DH can only put what he receives in there Birdy, so if lads were more forthcoming with the lurcher articles then there'd be no bother.


There's plenty of lads on here that make some good posts. Be nice to translate some of them into something slightly longer and see them as articles in the mag.

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