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Guest Countryboyo
  victor said:
Well some good jobs and some shit ones, but if you dont like it why do it?? i was a kennel hand for a few mounths ( training racing greyhounds) and i hated my boss. So me and a good mate who was also working there killed his rabbits ( wild ones he used for the greyhounds, and it's illegal) and i found superglue i glued his kettel to the bench and his fridge and frezer shut the bread bin closed and all the bottels of pills to the counter that was with the dogs, lol f**k YOU DAVIDS BURNETT! hahahaha. keep them coming guys :yes:


P.s didnt expect to get this many pages out of this :o


Did he kick the shit out of you when he found out what you did?

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I work in a bank in London. Start 7am finish 5:30 -6:00pm.


Doesn't give me enough time to do what I want/need to do. Money not that great and I feel my life is slipping away...


Why do I still do it? Responsibilties, mortgage, kids, animals to feed!

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  victor said:
I was just thinking then how fooked i am from working today and yesterday. im a fulltime bricklayer pre-apprentice and i work flat out, 8am-5:45pm but i do love it and it's not getting in the way of my outher life and running dogs. i stil go out and i still run my dogs and fire my guns.


Whats your job and do you realy enjoy it? ;)



I finished my apprentiship last year for bricklaying got made redauntant two weeks ago now do nothing just looking all the time.

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self employed plumbing/heating.


part time pester ( getting paid to do my hobby).....happy days !!!!


my dog comes everywhere with me..............beauty of being self employed !!!!!!!!


all the best



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  Miss Tarka said:
  j davies said:
  Miss Tarka said:
  lampinglurcher said:
dog trainer/handler, looking into working for myself.


Im so jealous I used to really want to be a dog handler for the forces....but was told if i made it i would have to leave my dog at home and couldnt do that so stopped pursuing it.....:(


you like to keep things on a lead do you lol joke


depends which way you mean this to be taken....lol :laugh:


on a lead in the house lol

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Carpenter, but not had any work for three weeks and dosent look like i will get any til mid april - and then only maybe! On the upside i've been out with the dogs and guns a lot more recently! :D

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  victor said:
I was just thinking then how fooked i am from working today and yesterday. im a fulltime bricklayer pre-apprentice and i work flat out, 8am-5:45pm but i do love it and it's not getting in the way of my outher life and running dogs. i stil go out and i still run my dogs and fire my guns.


Whats your job and do you realy enjoy it? ;)

scaffolder pulling my tool out all day for shite pay but work for myself so plenty of time to work the lurchers

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