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FAO Blade,Winky,Wilf,Sako & Moo

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Pups looking very well guys! Clipper what size is "Ruby" now. Gabby is 24/25" tts dont think she'll be that much smaller is she ?

about 23s , wont be as big as the rest , but theres plenty of knuckle still to grow into, i will take a few pics 2moz

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Pups looking very well guys! Clipper what size is "Ruby" now. Gabby is 24/25" tts dont think she'll be that much smaller is she ?


about 23s , wont be as big as the rest , but theres plenty of knuckle still to grow into, i will take a few pics 2moz her trainings coming on well ,,,, ask her to hold a dummie an she walks with it for as long as you want her to ,,, she found a piegon wing yesterday an held it all through the walk retriving hit an miss but she will , jumping with ease but will look for a gap 1st , marked a rabbit warren today which the older dogs went on to mark

Edited by Clipper
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Looking good butler, mine has done feck all except retrive balls and walk......about 23 now same as Clips but still plenty of growing left there yet.

Jumping wise, the little fecker is like a jack in the box and never misses an opertunity to smash into the terrier, rags the poor b*****d all over the show he does......good job the terrier is not agressive......LOL

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SOUTH.... i like to think im middleing..... ive said before, shit starts at the top and settles at the bottom, im clean in teh middle!!!

Everything from Perth downwards is SOUTH YOU FANNYS ;) ...Shes looking well Cliiper

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