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Training to bush


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A pal of mine was after advice regarding how to start a terrier bushing for the lurchers. Ive always had an adult terrier to show any pups the ropes, and to be honest when i thought about it...how do you teach a pup to go into the bush alone, locate and chase bunnies, throw its voice if you want it to? He knows about training it NOT to go to ground.

So how will he do it without any older terriers available?


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Guest rattingaddict
he could try summertime rabbits on the fringes of hedges. is it a pup or an older dog?




In the past ive tried tossing a small stone into the bushes, if the dogs stood looking in to them.

it can have the effect that he thinks something is moving about within them.

it can be hard this time of year with all the nettles about stinging a young dog

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The pups only 8wks old at the mo, but was bought for lurcher and ferret work. He just wants to learn all he can now so he knows how to prepare the pup for future :good:


Wazcor Posted Today, 08:39 PM

Tell him to get the leggings on and lead by example.




Cant believe what Im reading .Any terrier past its jabs will work cover and throw tongue if it gets excited .

Try keeping any of mine out of cover, and keeping them quiet is a no hoper. :no::no::no::no:

Are we running out of topics or what . :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Simple answer...dont bother it reading anymore then :D

If its so simple how did you not know not all terriers instinctively throw their voice :o And there is a difference between letting a pup run wild in cover or working it properly. Why is it so wrong someone wants to try to try to do something PROPERLY rather than by trial and error. Some pups without another dog to follow will just stay close to their owners :yes:


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All I can say molly is that the terriers you associate with are worlds apart from the black stuff I work .

If a TERRIER does not instintively throw tongue then I would instintively part company from that type molly.

As to hunting cover properly,letting a pup run wild is what is done ,providing it has basic training and can be recalled .If its to work with a lurcher it will realise soon enough what the game is .Good luck with the- not to ground- training though.If its used to bush rabbits in cover then sooner or later it will want to follow one to ground ,in a big bramble thicket and out of sight . :good:

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Considering this thread isnt even about 'black stuff' or digging terriers :blink:

Im not going to get into a silly argument as most threads on here seem to turn into when someone just asks some simple advice :no:

But what i will end on is...you must have had little experience with a range of terriers. Plenty do not throw their voice, and most terriers can be trained to do most things if you train them properly and put the time into them, regardless if they are 'black stuff', digging dogs or not....of course not letting them run wild helps ;)

My not-to-ground training has worked very well with several terriers over 10yrs thank you very much :D


Why is it so wrong someone wants to try to try to do something PROPERLY rather than by trial and error.


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Guest JOEB

My 2 jrts will work cover just fine of there own accord, but I always give encouragement if they show intrest.

The one I had since a pup, I just kept taking him out and giving lots of encouragement when I was sure it wasnt a false mark and he would enter cover readily.

My dogs are silent, but I watch them closely when out, and you will see a definate reaction and strong mark then they will enter and flush.

I never reckoned on training this in, just encouraged what I saw as the correct behaviour........but I like the idea of training it MOLL.

Good luck to your pal :good:


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Guest grubygrafter

GOOD POST. :good:


first of all not all terriers are great bushing dogs.


and not all terriers have good noses.


my advice is to get the tike inoculated. and spend time socializing it.

their noses take a while to develop anyway so no need to rush things

spend time . on the socializing in particular small training exersizes

chasing balls and finding toys ect. are all good fun and build a bond :)

that way when the pup goes out its easier to keep an eliment of control


then i would get the pup out and let it do what comes naturally.

if their is quarry about it wont take long to get the idea with the help of a well behad older dog

if their is no older dog then as has been said get the leggins on and get enthusiastic.

there is a big difference between a well behaved bushing dog and an unruly dog running about like a headless chicken. cs. ;) :kiss: :tongue2:

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if you havnt got an older dog to bring the youngster on then you will have to become the teacher ... to do this you need to have load of patience and gear your training towards the youngsters temperament ... firstly i allow the young aprentice to explore all he wants giving him plenty confidence and allowing him to fill his brain with loads of new scents and sights .......




dont rush them allow them to be pups and feed them well and work on their obedience ... there is nothing worse than a bushing dog taht is working cover 50 meters infront of you and you cant call him back .......




when you think the youngster is mature enough get them out amongst some game ... not a place with loads of game otherwise the excitable little fella might find it a little to much and all your months of obedience training will blow straight out of the window .... try and find a place with a bit of game about and where the cover isnt to thick .... slowly and steadily there is no mad rush .... after all the little fella should be bushing alongside your other dogs fror about 1o years to come .......



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