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Guest Geordie

Got to admit im a runner more than a fighter,Houdini has got f**k all on me when it comes to getting out of dangerous situations :laugh::laugh:


Only time i'll stand and fight is if the feckers are the same size as me or smaller,im no feckin hero,or if im with mates who are prepared to stand and fight,i got some big mates :laugh::laugh: :whistle: ;)

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  hairypie said:
dont blame the junkies blame the c**ts sitting in there big fancie pads with there string of small companys used to launder the cash they make from the drugs they import and sell , thats the problem with folk nowadays they pick on the bottom feeders and think the big fish does no wrong :realmad: ok most of these kinda crimes are comited by junkies purley to get mony to feed there habbit which in the first place they shouldnt have but if you look at it like this , there are millions of folk in the world adicted to smoking cigs which they most likely started doing when they was in there teens and they started doing it cos they was in with a crowd that did it and so on , if you ask me drugs are just the same thing and adicts get hooked in just the same way as do smokers but with a difrence cigs are adictive but nothing so like smack or crack and once that adiction takes hold these youngsters will do enything to feed there habbit as for it takes them over and just to make them feal normal they need a fix , me personaly i know a load of junkies, folk i went to school with some of them lucky enough to have folks that are prety well off and fund there kids habbits while trying everything they can to get them off of it , and others whos familys havent got a pot to piss in and dont realy give a f**k , end of the day put these two difrent types into the same social background and they boath will go out and nick to feed ther habbit ie vise verrsa found there habbits and they wouldnt be nicking nothing cos they have no need to, at the end of the day they have a adiction to feed and they will do enything to feed it , ime sory some fucke brok yer window and stole yer radio but if you want to get even go round to your local big bug smack dealer and kick his head in lol i dont think you would eh cos you would be shitting yerself of the aftermath and at the end of the day the guy who stole your radio is just a pupet for the likes of these scumbags but yet you would rather beat the dog than its owner .... well ile get off of my soap box all i can say is analise what i have said ime sure if you have half a brain you will see that what i me saying is about right :good: .......

have to agree.i know a few folk fkd up with drugs its ok to say u r going to smash their heads in but [bANNED TEXT] if it happened to u?[bANNED TEXT] if u was the junkie needin a fix these folk hate themselves everytime they steel sumthing.as for self inflicted yes id say it was but do u really think they wanted to be a junkie ?no they didnt it was too lateb4 they knew what was happening theyve got a big fkn habit 2 feed.and believe me they would be as happy as you to do the big fish in cos they hate them more than [NO TEXT TALK]![bANNED TEXT] if it happened to ur kid if they stole money out ur house would u smash their heads in?no u would have them to rehab quick as fck cos u know their good people without the drugs! every1 deserves a second chance cos weve all fckd up sumwere!it aint nice 2 b the victim but at the end of the day its the smack dealer that drives the big fckn b.m.w. that causes the crime thats who needs fckn shootin!personally id do it cos i hate smack dealers

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Guest hairypie
:good: chay seems to me that you have seen the real world and live with your feet on the ground ! by the sounds of it these guys think that the big fish are the guys that sell drugs from there council house and ware a load of gold chains , they arnt the big fish , they are mearly the distributers that would like to think that they are the big fish , when i say big fish i mean mr big , the ones with goverment conections the ones that shout rascists enytime they encounter a brush with the law you just need to take a look at whare 95% of the heroin comes from and think to yourself ok almost the whole world are at war with this certan country and they breed terorist by the thousands , but yet they still can get there drugs into this country to found there terorist activitys , now open you eyes folks ! and another thing what is a junkie is it the same as a drugie cos if it is theres plenty of them on this board not wanting to mention no name but istn there a certan member on her that has a avitar pic of two mms sitting smoking a pile of weed ? and dont all jump in and say that weed is difrent cos i know folk that have stolen things so they can go buy there weed !!!! if you want to rid your country of this drugs shit you have to lern the ins and outs of it first .............
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  A Poachers Wife said:
It seems to me you can only come on here in the middle of the night when there's no one else on :yes: and sticking up for junkies,are you one yourself ? you seem to know an hell of alot about them and the big fish,or you think you do, i''ll tell you again junkies are lying thieving scum who rob innocent people if they cant help themselves and want me to feel sorry for them forget because its to late to save them but i would help them and put them out of their misery :hunter:

f**k EM JUNKIE FUCKERS...........





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Guest sushie

My sister was addicted to heroin for four or five years and it tore our family appart! Thankfully she managed to get off it and is now married and expecting a baby! I didnt no my sister at the time but from what other family members say,she would do anything for a hit, this really sickend me,and when out in town with her i would be going mad as dirty pissed up old bast**ds made propositions to her in the pubs! Anyone caught peddling drugs should have there Balls chopped off! :realmad: :realmad: :realmad:

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Only one was a junkie his mates were clean, just in it for a laugh a suppose?? Apparently the junkie has tried to kill himself before, tried to OD on something then woke up 3 days later, nobody had noticed he'd been gone!!! LOL must be more depressed than ever!!!

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Guest moomin300uk
  A Poachers Wife said:
It seems to me you can only come on here in the middle of the night when there's no one else on :yes: and sticking up for junkies,are you one yourself ? you seem to know an hell of alot about them and the big fish,or you think you do, i''ll tell you again junkies are lying thieving scum who rob innocent people if they cant help themselves and want me to feel sorry for them forget because its to late to save them but i would help them and put them out of their misery :hunter:


I will totally agree my mrs is only 19 see got robbed in broed day light at knife piont by a junkie feckin scum he got three yers worst of it he was from yourway out west he was banned from workinton and was sent to carlisle for a fresh start he better not come back here coz there are more than a few gunning for his feck blood makes me sick to the core i work hard pay my tax to surpport these feckers they want shot like never mind blair banning hunting he should be banning these feckers :realmad: :realmad: :realmad: I am well pissed off i read this a decided not to post,then i seen the driffle sticking up for them :realmad: no second chance cut there thevieng hands off :realmad:

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Guest JOEB

As for the big wigs, they are shite for sure, but its supply & demand.

Nobody forces these people to stick a needle in their arm and you cant tell me that they dont know what its gonna do to them :no:

I heard that in one country in southeast asia they have a 3 strikes and your out rule;

1. Get nicked with drugs or shooting up.........6 months and 25 lashes evry other week


2. Nicked again...........12 months & 50 lashes every other week


3. Nicked again..............they do away with ya, they figure that your a waste of time


That seems about fair to me, a thousand junkies dont deserve one penny of taxpayers money that could go towards helping a sick child.

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Theres a simple solution to the drug problem, if they all loive the shit they put in to themselves so much, then i think we should just make sure that the next time they take it its a lethal dose. :ph34r:

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  A Poachers Wife said:
It seems to me you can only come on here in the middle of the night when there's no one else on :yes: and sticking up for junkies,are you one yourself ? you seem to know an hell of alot about them and the big fish,or you think you do, i''ll tell you again junkies are lying thieving scum who rob innocent people if they cant help themselves and want me to feel sorry for them forget because its to late to save them but i would help them and put them out of their misery :hunter:

am i a junkie?let me see. no im not.the only reason i come on this late at nite is cos after workink for 14 hrs looking after 2 harriss hawks 2dogs and 10 ferrets and seeing the missus its the only chance i get.i dont mean to fck [NO TEXT TALK] off with my opinions but ithink people respect [bANNED TEXT] u have to say if its the truth or from the heart.i maybe didnt explain myself i dont stick up for junkies [bANNED TEXT] i said was every1 deserves a 2nd chance there are things that i feel u should get fckn hung for .but as for the 2nd chance thats it! no 3d no 4th just the 2nd. fck it up again then id feed them 2 the fckn dogs or gladly let u shoot them.i respect every1ones opinion here and if no one dont respect mine thats fair enough.but thats [bANNED TEXT] im sticking with.any way 2 deviate from the subject i got sum advice from sum members about recalling my collie it has all been taken on board and is proving invaluable so thanks to all who replied.most pleasd with the results.so il have a wee look on and hope if i post again no one will hold [bANNED TEXT] ive said against me. cos i say [bANNED TEXT] i feel and never kiss ass when im the minority.

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Guest hairypie
  RobW71 said:
That's the trouble with this country moomin, there are to many sticking up for them.


Regards Rob


[Removing All Traces Of This S*** From The Forum. - CJ] :)

Edited by ChrisJones
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Guest RobW71

ANYONE who thinks they have the right to help themselves to others property or mug oap's for their pension.

BTW, we're not all narrow minded and you're not the only one with hands on experiance ;)


Regards Rob

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everyone knows if you use heroin,you will very likley become an addict,so i suppose they know what they are letting themselves in for,anyone who steals or mugs or burgles,is scum,whatever thier excuse,if they need a fix,cant they just go and get methodone from a doctor,instead of mugging old ladies

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