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quick lamp question

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hello all,


quick question how long would a 12v 9ah battery last if i were using a lightforce 170 ?


or how long would it last if i used a 12v 10ah


thanks lads


ps i have found a good place that does lamps cheap, cheaper that sporstman guncentre. it avalon guns


all the best

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i would say around 1 hour continuous usage.

i think the way it is worked out is you take the bulbs wattage and divide that by the voltage of the battery

eg a 100 w bulb divided by 12 v = 8.3 ah.

i have changed both my 170 lamps with 50 watt bulbs and to be perfectly honest i havnt noticed a difference in the strength of the beam but i now get twice the lamping time.

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also what would be the best coloured filter, is it red, green, orange, yellow....


any help much apprechiated


all the best



There isn't a best, each piece of land generates different results for different reasons!!


A UV filter "MAY" be good ..if you can find one for your unit and the lamp is bright enough to start with to penetrate it!!


Most say RED!!


I say forget them all... and buy a unit with a dimmer switch and work it!!! :thumbs:

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