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Breeding help please


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Simply dont breed.. You obviously have done no research and dont know what you're doing..

Do you have enough money for if anything goes wrong during pregnancy, why breed at all

confuses me, rescues are full to the brim during the summer because of people that simply

chuck two ferrets in an hutch cos ''they want to breed'' because the jills have came into season!

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Joe, Thanks for your negativity

I have kept and worked ferrets on and off for over 20 years, but never before have I bred them.

I am wanting some more ferrets for my hunting as Im getting more and more permision.

Plus I have a group of friends who go shooting with me and they too want to start hunting with ferrets next season,so I know that i will have good homes for most of them if not all of them.

Do I have enough money if anything goes wrong (ie vets) well put it this way Im 47 and I dont have to work very hard for a living.


I have read up plenty on the breeding of ferrets but as you may know the books dont tell you the little things that most people need to know


On a lighter note

I used to have a friend like you (a do gooder) who went to africa to help the hungry

and they ate him.


But thanks for your pennies worth.

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Sorry leeview, yes mate had him out 1/2 doz times did the job nicely for me.

Hes the one Im going to breed my 2 jills up with.

I think I did thank you very much for the Hob, but if not my apologies


cheers mate

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