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Breeding help please


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I have 2 jills both the same age 1 year they live together and one of them seems to be in season (shes swollen)

I have a hob who lives on his own in another cage,Now then i want to breed my 2 jills so do I put the jill into the Hobs cage for mating or do I put the Hob into the Jills cage

Also after the mating do I keep the Jills in separate cages till giving birth or would they be ok still living together and giving birth in the same cage together.


A few questions I know but advice needed please

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Just do it simple, no need to complecate things. Put the hob in the jill cage( with one jill in) he will smell her cage and all the strong odours. He will be well up for it. leave them over night, then remove your jill, simple as that. Then if you like, put him in again a few nights later just to make sure. Write down the dates, then count your days down to the more or less exact day when she is going to give birth pal, simple.

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personally I would put the jills in with the hob one at a time ,the other way round Ive found the hob gets beat up by the jills



That is exactly what has been said............ 1 at a time. read the first post..


you said hob in jills cage ,i said jills in hobs cage

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all advice is much appreciated thanks

I know with dogs they say its best to take the bitch to the dog

but I can see the good idea of the Hob into the jills cage with all that odour around.

thanks for the offer of if I need anymore advice to get in touch

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Thank you for your advice

sorry but would it be best to keep the 2 jills in separate cages after the mating and till the birth.

If your going to keep the jills together wait for them both to come in season and mate them the same day, that way litters will be same age if you do decide to mate one today I'd separate them before shes due to have them

Y.I.S Leeview

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Thanks leeview,my other jill who is the same age (sisters) hasnt come into season yet ?


Is this the same leeview who gave me the Hob last year and met me at leeds ?


Yes I did give someone a hob from Skipton way, how did you do with him?

Its more than likely that your jill being in season will shortly induce the other into season as well as the light and weather improving

Y.I.S Leeview

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