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my dog Trigger

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well said trigger i totaly agree with you.


a pup of any breed should be out as soon as poss.


its natural.


its made my day know there is someone who thinks like me.


common sense is very important in any hunting sport!

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Guest manda

I think jessy is grits wife, refering to the 'WE' in a previous post??? and as a woman i indeed think us woman give alot more mouth when we have a point to prove...............JESSY am i correct???

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  jessy said:

THE problem is i am answering others in the same thread questions i have been asked before and untill now ie thie s piece i have not had the oportuinity to explain ,and as for i have never breed pups, no its not my bitch {this answers your question as well riohog} hope it helps but i would have thought you could have worked it out for your selves ,but it looks like you cant or dont want to ,i perhaps should have put a friends bitch .and the money staitment ,i could have wrote number of hares caught but having the balls to back a dog for big amounts of cash showes jus how mutch faith you have in it being the best ,it speeks volumes above numbers of hares caught .and the stud fee ,im just showing that some of us still value friend ship formed from going out with other people to take a chalenge or see for our selves because like some of you , we to did not belive certain things could be done so we went and found out fore our selves and in the end it turned out to be in our faviour in more ways than one .,all this is part of my learning and what stamina is in a dog it is not what i originaly thought.i sugest that you {get out with those in the know just like trigger did then you will see a different light on the proper working lurcher to the one you are seeing now }



Once again i have said if it works for you then fair play but i will not risk the health of any puppy i have in the future...you can tell me that it will do it no harm all you like but i have a bitch that has proof of the damage that it an cause.....and as for the lining of the bitch you said WE which would imply yours and someone elses so excuse me for not reading between the lines......i to have met some people who have won big money on backing there dogs granted probably nowhere near as big as what your talking about but hey ho...fair enough about the stud fee that is a display of rue friendship and if i had a dog that was any good i to would offer him as a stud free to my friends...and im not being funy but i wouldnt take a stranger up on a nights lamping certainly not on my own theres no telling what could happen to a young girl who would be defensless...sorry but you just never know....

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  hyperion said:
heres my tupence worth!


as some one new to lurchers but having owned plenty of dogs as pets i cant see how forcing to much on any young animal can be good for it!


stamina is surely more to do with breeding in the first place and then the right kind of exercise and fitness training in the second!

starting a dog around the one year mark makes more sense to me as you have more time to get the animal physicaly fit and mentally ready for what you want it to do!

stamina can be just as much to do with mental attitude as well as physical fittness!


this is purely my point of veiw but it seems to me like your saying you should take your highly tuned sports car and rag the nuts off it as soon as you get it rather than running it in, yes you get the performance and thrills early on but in the long run you end up with a worn out old wreck that never reaches its full potential!


oh and as an aside to all this i can confirm that

A) miss tarka is indeed a girl (and shes much better looking in real life)

B ) she most certainly does rock (and so do her dogs)


as for the rest of this thread?







:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:




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Guest jessy
  manda said:
I think jessy is grits wife, refering to the 'WE' in a previous post??? and as a woman i indeed think us woman give alot more mouth when we have a point to prove...............JESSY am i correct???
Sorry im all male and glad i live 40 odd miles from him ,other wise i would never get any chance to sleep .he would have me out with him 24 7
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Guest jessy
  Miss Tarka said:
  jessy said:

THE problem is i am answering others in the same thread questions i have been asked before and untill now ie thie s piece i have not had the oportuinity to explain ,and as for i have never breed pups, no its not my bitch {this answers your question as well riohog} hope it helps but i would have thought you could have worked it out for your selves ,but it looks like you cant or dont want to ,i perhaps should have put a friends bitch .and the money staitment ,i could have wrote number of hares caught but having the balls to back a dog for big amounts of cash showes jus how mutch faith you have in it being the best ,it speeks volumes above numbers of hares caught .and the stud fee ,im just showing that some of us still value friend ship formed from going out with other people to take a chalenge or see for our selves because like some of you , we to did not belive certain things could be done so we went and found out fore our selves and in the end it turned out to be in our faviour in more ways than one .,all this is part of my learning and what stamina is in a dog it is not what i originaly thought.i sugest that you {get out with those in the know just like trigger did then you will see a different light on the proper working lurcher to the one you are seeing now }



Once again i have said if it works for you then fair play but i will not risk the health of any puppy i have in the future...you can tell me that it will do it no harm all you like but i have a bitch that has proof of the damage that it an cause.....and as for the lining of the bitch you said WE which would imply yours and someone elses so excuse me for not reading between the lines......i to have met some people who have won big money on backing there dogs granted probably nowhere near as big as what your talking about but hey ho...fair enough about the stud fee that is a display of rue friendship and if i had a dog that was any good i to would offer him as a stud free to my friends...and im not being funy but i wouldnt take a stranger up on a nights lamping certainly not on my own theres no telling what could happen to a young girl who would be defensless...sorry but you just never know....

100 percent with you on your last paragraph.
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Guest jessy
  flyfree86 said:
well said trigger i totaly agree with you.


a pup of any breed should be out as soon as poss.


its natural.


its made my day know there is someone who thinks like me.


common sense is very important in any hunting sport!

i bet you dont get the same responce that we got :D
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  jessy said:
  Miss Tarka said:
  jessy said:

THE problem is i am answering others in the same thread questions i have been asked before and untill now ie thie s piece i have not had the oportuinity to explain ,and as for i have never breed pups, no its not my bitch {this answers your question as well riohog} hope it helps but i would have thought you could have worked it out for your selves ,but it looks like you cant or dont want to ,i perhaps should have put a friends bitch .and the money staitment ,i could have wrote number of hares caught but having the balls to back a dog for big amounts of cash showes jus how mutch faith you have in it being the best ,it speeks volumes above numbers of hares caught .and the stud fee ,im just showing that some of us still value friend ship formed from going out with other people to take a chalenge or see for our selves because like some of you , we to did not belive certain things could be done so we went and found out fore our selves and in the end it turned out to be in our faviour in more ways than one .,all this is part of my learning and what stamina is in a dog it is not what i originaly thought.i sugest that you {get out with those in the know just like trigger did then you will see a different light on the proper working lurcher to the one you are seeing now }



Once again i have said if it works for you then fair play but i will not risk the health of any puppy i have in the future...you can tell me that it will do it no harm all you like but i have a bitch that has proof of the damage that it an cause.....and as for the lining of the bitch you said WE which would imply yours and someone elses so excuse me for not reading between the lines......i to have met some people who have won big money on backing there dogs granted probably nowhere near as big as what your talking about but hey ho...fair enough about the stud fee that is a display of rue friendship and if i had a dog that was any good i to would offer him as a stud free to my friends...and im not being funy but i wouldnt take a stranger up on a nights lamping certainly not on my own theres no telling what could happen to a young girl who would be defensless...sorry but you just never know....

100 percent with you on your last paragraph.


What all of it??? really...no criticisim at all???

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