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A quick blast.

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Woke this mornig to find it was sunny for a change, and with the end of the ferreting season looming I thought I would take the fezzers out for a trot in the countryside and make the best of what time I have to spare, I dont care if its day or only a couple of hours out, its just nice to watch the little beasties at work. This is the place I chose work today, its a an odd shaped field surrounded by mature woodland, the bank in the first pic is like that all the way around the field, easy to ferret if your short of time, or just need to top up the freezer.



Anyway, nets down, in go the combatants, one hob and one jill.



Its not long before you can hear the fezzers getting to work on those stubborn bunnies, and bang, and the first one hits the net.



A quick re-net of the hole, and stand back and wait. Bang! another hits the net from the same hole, and by the jill again, this time she comes out to see where the bunnies gone.



A quick stretch and number two joins his neighbour, had one more after that, bolted by the hob, final count three, ok for two hours out in the sun, still no young here, so still time to fit a couple of trips in yet. There is a few more pics, but cant get them to load, so thats it for this post.




Edited by stealthy1
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Woke this mornig to find it was sunny for a change, and with the end of the ferreting season looming I thought I would take the fezzers out for a trot in the countryside and make the best of what time I have to spare, I dont care if its day or only a couple of hours out, its just nice to watch the little beasties at work. This is the place I chose work today, its a an odd shaped field surrounded by mature woodland, the bank in the first pic is like that all the way around the field, easy to ferret if your short of time, or just need to top up the freezer.



Anyway, nets down, in go the combatants, one hob and one jill.



Its not long before you can hear the fezzers getting to work on those stubborn bunnies, and bang, and the first one hits the net.



A quick re-net of the hole, and stand back and wait. Bang! another hits the net from the same hole, and by the jill again, this time she comes out to see where the bunnies gone.



A quick stretch and number two joins his neighbour, had one more after that, bolted by the hob, final count three, ok for two hours out in the sun, still no young here, so still time to fit a couple of trips in yet. There is a few more pics, but cant get them to load, so thats it for this post.




Fairplay mate :thumbs: i love them quick blasts

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Looks like you had yourself a nice short seesion there mate,i have some of them red nets they are great for in the hedge bottoms and places with undergrowth they stand out well.


I like these nets too, stand out when you pack up, saves leaving one behind.

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Short & sweet S1 :victory: .My seasons over...i think :hmm: Cold blast is forecast for next week,may keep the breeding activity down slightly???


Started off as a bigger post, but could'nt get the other pics to load, think I resized them to large, again.

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