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traps and snares

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i went out yesterday and set some traps and snares[12 of each] the pick up was 6 in the snares +1 taken ,possibly by a dog,and 4 plus a rat in the Fenns ,in all ,a nice morning spent in the company of my eldest lad,who is now ,unfortunatly to big to hit.


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i went out yesterday and set some traps and snares[12 of each] the pick up was 6 in the snares +1 taken ,possibly by a dog,and 4 plus a rat in the Fenns ,in all ,a nice morning spent in the company of my eldest lad,who is now ,unfortunatly to big to hit.


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i went out yesterday and set some traps and snares[12 of each] the pick up was 6 in the snares +1 taken ,possibly by a dog,and 4 plus a rat in the Fenns ,in all ,a nice morning spent in the company of my eldest lad,who is now ,unfortunatly to big to hit.


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Hi mate. Are you using pegs on the fence wires to secure your snares?


Try doing a half hitch knot onto the fencline, much easier and strong too.


Yes i use peg snares on fences,i have to ,i injured my hands in my teens now tieing knots is very difficult so i had to adapt,it works well enough for me though

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Hi mate. Are you using pegs on the fence wires to secure your snares?


Try doing a half hitch knot onto the fencline, much easier and strong too.


its not a freeking half hitch you knot nazis its a clove hitch and calling it a half hitch confuses people and people lose rabbits. :angry:

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Hi mate. Are you using pegs on the fence wires to secure your snares?


Try doing a half hitch knot onto the fencline, much easier and strong too.


its not a freeking half hitch you knot nazis its a clove hitch and calling it a half hitch confuses people and people lose rabbits. :angry:

feck me calm down everyone is entitled to there own opinion :icon_eek:

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Hi mate. Are you using pegs on the fence wires to secure your snares?


Try doing a half hitch knot onto the fencline, much easier and strong too.


its not a freeking half hitch you knot nazis its a clove hitch and calling it a half hitch confuses people and people lose rabbits. :angry:

feck me calm down everyone is entitled to there own opinion :icon_eek:

wouldn't like to pay him a pound short in his wage packet :blink:

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