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whippet x saluki

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would love to see some pictures if anyone has any? would like to see types of build and hieght they are ?


cheers if you can help !!!!!!!!!!!!



mine salukie x grey xcollie whippit grey xwhippet xgrey very quick and sticks to me like glue 13 month old just coming on nice 21 inch tts hare was shot and retreived













































































































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3/4saluki/ghd x whippet 20"28lbs fast, turn s well and can run forever ,best way to descibe her like a saluki/ghd in miniture :clapper:


Nice looking bitch, does it kill many.. ;)

cheers she s had a few ;) the only thing i was lure coursing her at malton but after doing the live stuff the saluki in her said (ime not chasing that bloody bag again)shame i was starting to enjoy it ,still going in april though to watch .she will hunt up ,but is a point and shoot dog also,just like the saluki/ghds,does nt like the cold,rain ,even though she is kenneled outside.her retrieving is not the best,but she is very loyal ,meaning she would never

be called in by a stranger,stick s to my side like glue,untill something gets up ,doesnt need a lead when walking,recall brill on the whistle two peeps and shes back at my side,there you go not perfect,but i love her to bits :thumbs:but boy can she run


Thats the only thing i'm concerned about is the retrieving??? i read alot and the saluki is one of the dogs that stand out for not retrieving but the loyal and stickin like glue is just why i love th ewhippet



they know how to retrieve just choose not to well thats my 2 they are ok by themselves but not when theres another dog near, a friend of mine bred his 3/4saluki 1/4 grey with a top class laguna whippet they got 3 bitches which dont work they made 21" and 3 dogs they made 22" 23" i know of a lad who got two they got 40 daytimers in first season between them but one hit a gate and died one would put them out of the cover the other was faster to course them they were good little dogs not as good in the big field as bigger dogs,i have a 1/4 whippet 1/8 saluki 1/8 bull 4/8 greyhound she is a good allround dog only thing her skin rips too easy

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this is my whippet X saluki, first cross. about 23" bitch 15 months. coming on well, great speed, stacks of stamina - hard to ware her out walking her! can see the saluki in her though! not the best on the retrieve... though working on it still. very loyal as your all saying, sticks like glue and a great sence of prey drive. some great pics on here


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