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Can anyone on site explain in easy terms, how this credit crunch thing is affecting us?. The way I see it is that people still have to eat, the supermarkets are doing ok, there are still plenty of cars on the road, the money seem to be getting away at the top end, banks losing billions, where is it going to?. It is leaving the economy somehow, but where is it going to?. The billions or trillions are not getting burnt so where is it?. THE MIND BOGGLES. DAVE

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Where is the money going, BAD debt. share's loosing money.... for example the company i work for the shares where worth 7.89 euro this time last year.... today 2.12 a loss of over 5 euro per share...


thank god i don't have any....




Now to say the supermarkets are doing ok then you must be ok in your area as 1000's have lost their jobs where i live the supermarkets are starting to give redundancy packages to staff....... :o


hope this cleards the air a little for you..

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my factory makes parts for turbos for cars and seeing as though no one is buying new cars we have laid off 180 people since last september.This has a knock on effect ,because no one is buying new cars the car manufacturing companies in europe had laid off thousands of staff in the last4 months .Because they are not making cars then the car garages that sell the cars to the public have laid off the majority of their sales reps .Thats just how its affecting me personally cause im on a 3 day a week til at least next year and iv to take the month of august off this summer

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the countrys on its knees and will get a lot worst than it is now ,repossesions will reach a all time high, then the big money men :big_boss::big_boss: will move in and bag a load of bargain houses with no reserve price, interest rates are nothing so pensioners with a little savings are getting further into debt as they are getting no return on their money to help out thier pensions, theres no first time buyers so the knock on effect is that nobody can move up or down the ladder hence the building industry is f : censored: ked,negative equity is going to be seen like never before. this is only the tip of whats coming over the next 2 years, the tax paying englishmen/women is ruined .stay positive though :laugh: you cant even go down the pub to drown your sorrows cause they are all closing :drink::drink:

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Guest miller1989

This is mad tell me why,the NHS tv's above the beds is not free they charge 16 pounds for 12 hours tv ???im sure our taxes are ment to cover this its just another scam by our shitty goverment they waste money on allsorts ie police chasing lamper why its all money get the rapits and druggys for fucks sake annoying!

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This is mad tell me why,the NHS tv's above the beds is not free they charge 16 pounds for 12 hours tv ???im sure our taxes are ment to cover this its just another scam by our shitty goverment they waste money on allsorts ie police chasing lamper why its all money get the rapits and druggys for fucks sake annoying!

well said miller !!

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there are still plenty of cars on the road,



Have a pop along to Teesport mate and see how many cars are being moved from the import centres, not a lot i can tell you. I've seen deliveries drop from around 700-800 per day to maybe 200 per day. Most of these are to fleet companies.


Cars aint selling.

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IN THE 80 Rightly or wrongly we moved away from a manufacturing based economy to a services based one fBasically London became the finacial capital of the world.

Our manufacturing base decreased,Uk manufactures which survived usually ended up in foreign hands,farming imports increased and exporting decreased.Now just like the 1930 s the finacial services has got a cold,and we unlike in the 30s dont manufacture that much.The pound is not secured on the the gold rate, the bank of england used to have a big vault full of it but our now prime minister sold it at the lowest rate .Now the governments only policy or option is to print more money ,or borrow we have little security to borrow the money.

So going back to your point the credit crunch it will effect us its only just starting.Government bonds will be worth didly squat.the finacial situation will get worse ,the banks will be nationalised and a run on the pound will happen.

Its a nightmare scenario and it looks more and more that it will happen.We will enter deflation,that means prices of all commodities go the opposite way now growth negative then a downward spiral of all goods services will occur..

So dont be surprised as the news gets worse and then even the supermarkets will start to squeak


Regards me

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we work as forestry contractors and the timber trade has dried up due to the slump in house building,there is far to many people in the country wanting mony for nothing not even prepared to do a days work.


there is far to much money paid to farmers in our area who in the past have let there farms get untidy ,now they get paid for cleaning there mess up which any normal person would of been ashamed of in the first place,and now with the subsidy paid on the land rather than the annimal the farm next to me dosnt keep cows anymore, cut the sheep numbers by two thirds and dosnt employ two men like they use to,any fencing work or repairs to the walls he has let fall down or putting neglected hedges right is paid for by grants off the goverment,as well as an annual payment of fiftyeight thousand pound .have a look on farmsubbsidy.org and see how much of your tax is going to these people.

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