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need to get out

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ive had a knee op 3 weeks ago and been cruthching around in a leg brace and on a machine for 6hrs a day and got another 5 weeks of that then another 6-8 weeks on crutches. its killing me not being able to go shooting.


The only stuff ive bin able to do is plinking by opening the pateo and conservatory doors and shooting from the living room, through the dining room and through the conservatory to the bottom of the garden lol. Bored out of ma mind !!

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Bet your pulling your hair out lol! What was up with your knee mate? I'm a plumber and suffer with my knees really badly! i have private health care and have been to see about getting them sorted but he said theres a 50/50 chance he'll be able to sort um? don't know if it's worth it i'm 35, really don't know whether to have it done or not? whats your opinion on getting them done?

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i had one operation to remove cartialage that had broked off but it left quite a big hole so thats y ive had this second operation lol

i didnt really have a choice , got told if i didnt have it i would have severe arteritis by my 30's im only 19 lol.


It depends what operation they do to sort it for ya. my after my first op i was fine after 2 days but im off work for 8 weeks with the second one.

Still if they are bad now imagine what they will be like in 20years!!



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Have the op! it has worked for me! I had both my legs crushed at work by a 1969 Ford Mustant GT, both Femurs just above the knees smashed into 40-50 pieces each. Both knees bent the wrong way 45 degrees before my legs snapped. 29th May 07! I am now back walking, I had 12 months in a wheelchair, I know what you mean bored mate! :icon_eek: still a bit unsteady but 5 major ops on the legs and knees but a success. I know I may have some trouble in the future, but the key I think is to keep fit and stay away from jogging/running. But do plenty of shooting. :gunsmilie: Good luck with the recovery mate.

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theres no bloody rabbits round here that i can shoot lol they all seem to know u cant shoot em when their sat next to a railway line. maggies keep waking me up in the morning but on a neighbours roof, im waitin for em to land in my garden and then there gna be dead like a dodo lol!



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Have the op! it has worked for me! I had both my legs crushed at work by a 1969 Ford Mustant GT, both Femurs just above the knees smashed into 40-50 pieces each. Both knees bent the wrong way 45 degrees before my legs snapped. 29th May 07! I am now back walking, I had 12 months in a wheelchair, I know what you mean bored mate! :icon_eek: still a bit unsteady but 5 major ops on the legs and knees but a success. I know I may have some trouble in the future, but the key I think is to keep fit and stay away from jogging/running. But do plenty of shooting. :gunsmilie: Good luck with the recovery mate.

nice car that init

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lol, good plan that actually fasthands. not much lands in my back garden thogh. im guna be up though waitin for those maggies to make their fatal mistake!

And here i was feelign sorry for ma self watching daytime tele and ive obly got 2 moths not 12 !!! Ive bin told the same aswell, not runnign on hard ground and give up the rugby :(.

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work on your posture and go for the single hole groupings....you'll never get this sort of time for practace in a long while lol.

i blew a knee out a few years back, i lasted six weeks in a chair before i got up and went out shooting.. no op for though, waited 2 years to see the 'specialist' he asked ''does it hurt now this minute?''.... then why bother coming to me!!!'' then fobbed me off home lol.. twat! i dont do ladders to often these days... but have spent the odd half hour sat in a bush or ditch waiting forrit to come back lol.

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I feel for you matey, :yes: I suffer badly with my knees. I'm 31 and maybe looking at knee replacement. I had my lateral cartilages out from both knees when I was in my teens, and now they're in bits.


I had an arthroscopy just before Christmas, and was told to use crutches for 6 weeks. I've got to go back now at the start of March to see the specialist again, because the knee still aint right, plus I've got to make arrangements for the other one! :wallbash:


This season's been a bloody write off for me, I've only been out about 6 times, that's shooting, ferreting & with the dogs.


Hope you're back to normal soon mate. :thumbs:

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Have the op! it has worked for me! I had both my legs crushed at work by a 1969 Ford Mustant GT, both Femurs just above the knees smashed into 40-50 pieces each. Both knees bent the wrong way 45 degrees before my legs snapped. 29th May 07! I am now back walking, I had 12 months in a wheelchair, I know what you mean bored mate! :icon_eek: still a bit unsteady but 5 major ops on the legs and knees but a success. I know I may have some trouble in the future, but the key I think is to keep fit and stay away from jogging/running. But do plenty of shooting. :gunsmilie: Good luck with the recovery mate.


:o Made me wince reading that,OUCH :shok: .Had a op on my right knee a few year ago to repair ripped cartilages,skiing accident :oops: day surgery :o my arse!! Could'nt walk for over a week that was bad enough never mind what you've had to go through.

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I feel for you matey, :yes: I suffer badly with my knees. I'm 31 and maybe looking at knee replacement. I had my lateral cartilages out from both knees when I was in my teens, and now they're in bits.


I had an arthroscopy just before Christmas, and was told to use crutches for 6 weeks. I've got to go back now at the start of March to see the specialist again, because the knee still aint right, plus I've got to make arrangements for the other one! :wallbash:


This season's been a bloody write off for me, I've only been out about 6 times, that's shooting, ferreting & with the dogs.


Hope you're back to normal soon mate. :thumbs:


sounds like you could be in for the same op as ive had to try and regrow cartialage. i had an arthroscopy before crimbo aswell but was fine after a couple of days...must be the age difference lol.


came close o getting the maggy that keeps waking me up this morning but he clocked me opening the window, ill have another pop 2morrow lol.



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