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I have used 15mm high tensile steel for years now without bending it. The wider the diameter you use the harder it is to push down to find burrows. I have found around 3 foot is plenty long unless your dog is aground in a swamp or you brought a sledgehammer with you to beat down 4 foot, at over 3 foot normal soil has such a grip on the bar you wont know whether you hit a burrow or not.

EDZY is right never put a point on your bar. With practise you will learn to feel the quarry in the burrow with your bar, rock it back and forth and sideways as you near breakthrough then gently lower it onto the quarrys back and let the bar go you will see it move.

I am trying to conceal my bar inside a wooden hunting stick perhaps drilling out stick and threading a wooden handle to the top, then with a folding camp shovel in the rucksack i should look like an innocent rabbiter if i wander onto some iffy farmers land. My only problem is the marks of work on my border dog, most of them are covered by a borders hairy face but if he looks up i am f--ked as he was chinned by two accidental meetings with the stripe. Some people say a good border is a bad one as they are too hard but with all those showdog/lapdog borders out there i wouldnt have him any other way.


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I have used 15mm high tensile steel for years now without bending it. The wider the diameter you use the harder it is to push down to find burrows. I have found around 3 foot is plenty long unless your dog is aground in a swamp or you brought a sledgehammer with you to beat down 4 foot, at over 3 foot normal soil has such a grip on the bar you wont know whether you hit a burrow or not.

EDZY is right never put a point on your bar. With practise you will learn to feel the quarry in the burrow with your bar, rock it back and forth and sideways as you near breakthrough then gently lower it onto the quarrys back and let the bar go you will see it move.

I am trying to conceal my bar inside a wooden hunting stick perhaps drilling out stick and threading a wooden handle to the top, then with a folding camp shovel in the rucksack i should look like an innocent rabbiter if i wander onto some iffy farmers land. My only problem is the marks of work on my border dog, most of them are covered by a borders hairy face but if he looks up i am f--ked as he was chinned by two accidental meetings with the stripe. Some people say a good border is a bad one as they are too hard but with all those showdog/lapdog borders out there i wouldnt have him any other way.


youve not bin on long have you :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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To Kevin M and Buster Buster, what is your problem, i thought this was a forum for terrier men not ball-less, p.c., scared, blouses. We all use fake names so f**k the antis. Show me any terrier man that hunts his dogs loose and claims he never accidentally met the stripe and i will show you a liar. I HAVE NO INTEREST IN HUNTING BADGERS and do avoid all known setts in the land i hunt. If ye knew anything about the animals in our countryside ye would know when the sow badger is about to have a new litter, last years adolecents are driven from the main sett and these dig out new temporary homes or live above ground in heavy cover until they are accepted into a new sett. These are the ones honest genuine terrier men ACCIDENTLY meet. We, because of the actions of riflemen have to walk many miles in search of quarry carrying our digging gear, our dogs must have excellent noses as well as gameness before we have a sucessfull dig. As regards marks of work on dogs if you go to any good game fair or working terrier show you will see dogs a lot worse marked up than mine and their owners put these dogs to this kind of work by choice mine was by accident. The antis are at these fairs and shows mingling amongst us, do you expect them to believe the dogs got these marks ratting or rabbiting....

I suggest you read Ann Roslyn Williams book on border terriers written by a woman who tells it as it is instead of pandering to the antis. Also you should look up these websites on German Hunt Terriers, one of the few breeds left that the kennell clubs have not ruined www.den-tyske-jagtterrier.dk www.nlt.co.yu or www.vonkleinemfluss.net.I better go now as my first impressions of this forum is shite but seeing as Johnathan Darcy is involved i would like to read his views.

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theres no need for stainless or 20 mm steel, i made up some from hollow 16mm mild steel, their light and very strong (i'm 19 stone and don't bend mine) stainless is strong but too flexable unless its a bigger diameter, it might sound silly but hollow pipe is stronger than soild of the same diameter

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To Kevin M and Buster Buster, what is your problem, i thought this was a forum for terrier men not ball-less, p.c., scared, blouses. We all use fake names so f**k the antis. Show me any terrier man that hunts his dogs loose and claims he never accidentally met the stripe and i will show you a liar. I HAVE NO INTEREST IN HUNTING BADGERS and do avoid all known setts in the land i hunt. If ye knew anything about the animals in our countryside ye would know when the sow badger is about to have a new litter, last years adolecents are driven from the main sett and these dig out new temporary homes or live above ground in heavy cover until they are accepted into a new sett. These are the ones honest genuine terrier men ACCIDENTLY meet. We, because of the actions of riflemen have to walk many miles in search of quarry carrying our digging gear, our dogs must have excellent noses as well as gameness before we have a sucessfull dig. As regards marks of work on dogs if you go to any good game fair or working terrier show you will see dogs a lot worse marked up than mine and their owners put these dogs to this kind of work by choice mine was by accident. The antis are at these fairs and shows mingling amongst us, do you expect them to believe the dogs got these marks ratting or rabbiting....

I suggest you read Ann Roslyn Williams book on border terriers written by a woman who tells it as it is instead of pandering to the antis. Also you should look up these websites on German Hunt Terriers, one of the few breeds left that the kennell clubs have not ruined www.den-tyske-jagtterrier.dk www.nlt.co.yu or www.vonkleinemfluss.net.I better go now as my first impressions of this forum is shite but seeing as Johnathan Darcy is involved i would like to read his views.


Burrowman, If I was unlicky enough to encounter such an animal by mistake, do you think I would be so stupid as to type it out on a public forum. I dare say this happens on rare occasions but to publicly broadcast it on a public forum beggers belief.

Drop the macho shit and " Scared blouses and f**k the Antis " because the truth is, its people like you that ruin it for the rest of us ,,, Keep reading your books my friend and stay out of the field and the rest of stand less of a chance of being dragged down with you.. Ps, if you dont like the Forum and think is Shit, then do us all a favour and dont come back..

Enjoy your books :clapper:

Edited by busterbuster1969
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To Kevin M and Buster Buster, what is your problem, i thought this was a forum for terrier men not ball-less, p.c., scared, blouses. We all use fake names so f**k the antis. Show me any terrier man that hunts his dogs loose and claims he never accidentally met the stripe and i will show you a liar. I HAVE NO INTEREST IN HUNTING BADGERS and do avoid all known setts in the land i hunt. If ye knew anything about the animals in our countryside ye would know when the sow badger is about to have a new litter, last years adolecents are driven from the main sett and these dig out new temporary homes or live above ground in heavy cover until they are accepted into a new sett. These are the ones honest genuine terrier men ACCIDENTLY meet. We, because of the actions of riflemen have to walk many miles in search of quarry carrying our digging gear, our dogs must have excellent noses as well as gameness before we have a sucessfull dig. As regards marks of work on dogs if you go to any good game fair or working terrier show you will see dogs a lot worse marked up than mine and their owners put these dogs to this kind of work by choice mine was by accident. The antis are at these fairs and shows mingling amongst us, do you expect them to believe the dogs got these marks ratting or rabbiting....

I suggest you read Ann Roslyn Williams book on border terriers written by a woman who tells it as it is instead of pandering to the antis. Also you should look up these websites on German Hunt Terriers, one of the few breeds left that the kennell clubs have not ruined www.den-tyske-jagtterrier.dk www.nlt.co.yu or www.vonkleinemfluss.net.I better go now as my first impressions of this forum is shite but seeing as Johnathan Darcy is involved i would like to read his views.


Burrowman, If I was unlicky enough to encounter such an animal by mistake, do you think I would be so stupid as to type it out on a public forum. I dare say this happens on rare occasions but to publicly broadcast it on a public forum beggers belief.

Drop the macho shit and " Scared blouses and f**k the Antis " because the truth is, its people like you that ruin it for the rest of us ,,, Keep reading your books my friend and stay out of the field and the rest of stand less of a chance of being dragged down with you.. Ps, if you dont like the Forum and think is Shit, then do us all a favour and dont come back..

Enjoy your books :clapper:



its used for finding the tube not for puting through the foxs back thats all. use your head dont know anyone that would do that with a bar.i used to use them but dont need them with the bellman and flint loctor.

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